Habbat – Modern Habit Tracking App | Android & iOS
Description: Our Modern Habit Tracking App Tracker App – Android and iOS Mobile application built using Flutter SDK & SQLite.
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This App’s Main Target:
This app can help you kick your bad habits for a better life. Try this once. We want all our friends and family to stay safe. Learn good habits. Avoid bad habits.
Main Features:
1. Habit manager (SQLite) 2. Timer & Practice for each habit 3. Habit calendar 4. Habits & Daily Task statistics 5. Modern, Unique UI 6. Help in quitting BAD habits, sugar addictions & drug addictions 7. Dark & Light Mode Available 8. Good Habit Daily Practice & Statistics 9. Push Notifications 10. Advanced Habit System
Our Support Team: 1. You will get all updates & new features for free. (Both for regular & extended licenses) 2. Quick Reply if you send us mail. 3. Available 24/7
Packages & Dependencies:
table_calendar: ^2.3.3
sqflite: ^2.0.0+4
provider: ^6.0.0
shared_preferences: ^2.0.7
package_info: ^2.0.2
flutter_svg: ^0.22.0
flutter_local_notifications: ^8.2.0
url_launcher: ^6.0.10
awesome_dialog: ^2.0.0
just_audio: ^0.9.11
fl_chart: ^0.40.2
flutter_file_dialog: ^2.3.0
path_provider: ^2.0.7
loader_overlay: ^2.0.5
introduction_screen: ^2.1.0
You Will Get:
Full Android & iOS Source Code, Documentation With Mockup Screenshots.
You will get the easy setup documentation. You need just 10-15min max to set up and build your app. We made the easiest documentation. If you face any problem or something, kindly send us a message via email.
For any query, Contact us via email. Thank You. Kindly contact us via mail:
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