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Clover - Real-Time Messaging, Audio & Video Conferencing Web App - Node.js, React, WebRTC, Socket.IO

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by codecanyon
Clover - Real-Time Messaging, Audio & Video Conferencing Web App - Node.js, React, WebRTC, Socket.IO  Social Networks


Clover – Messaging & Conferencing

Clover is an instant messaging & conferencing web app with audio / video capabilities, both in one-to-one calls and in group calls with multiple remote peers!

Latest News

Clover 4.0.0 is now stable, but messaging-only (no meetings). The 4.0.0 archive is available for download. You can try out v4 here. Feel free to sign up, or use the following credentials: username “root” and password “root”.

The latest stable release (with meetings) is 2.7.0. It has been updated in December 2022 with a better installer and greater code quality.

Live Preview

You can register with your email, or you can use these two demo accounts: [email protected], [email protected]. Password: envato. In order to test video / audio calling, please remove the Envato frame from the live preview.


Clover requires a private server or cloud instance with (at least) 2GB of RAM.

We provide a fully automated installation script that works on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS that will save you a lot of time and a huge headache!

Honeyside Support

Welcome to the Honeyside experience! You can access the full Clover documentation online. We are here for you, even before purchase ❤

Latest news and updates:

  • Support us on Patreon to get priority updates on our development plan, Github repo access and voting power on new features.
  • Follow us on LinkedIn
  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Follow us here on Envato!
Clover - Real-Time Messaging, Audio & Video Conferencing Web App - Node.js, React, WebRTC, Socket.IO - 1


Clover offers a lot of features, we encourage you to try them all out in the demo app!

  • Instant Messaging through Socket.IO
  • Group conversation rooms
  • Audio / Video one-to-one and one-to-many via WebRTC
  • Adding another peer to an existing call
  • Muting local audio or local video
  • Switching between audio and video call
  • Video cover / contain button during call
  • Sending images, even multiple images at once
  • Emoji support with “bubble removal” for emoji-only messages
  • Profile image
  • Nice login / register page
  • Admin panel to create, edit and delete users
  • Mobile version, phone and tablet, for instant messaging! Audio and video calls will now work on mobile!
  • IPv6 support
  • Email password reset

Framework and Libraries

Clover is a MERN application, developed using Node.js – Express – MongoDB on the backend and React – Redux on the frontend. It also relies heavily on Socket.IO and mediasoup WebRTC. Mediasoup is more stable than standard WebRTC and does not require a STUN / TURN server.


4.0.0 - December 13th, 2022
- 4.0.0 is now MESSAGING-ONLY, 2.7.0 is still stable release for meetings
- removed meetings
- add nginx installer to launcher script
- eslint and prettier refactoring
- switch from random strings to uuid
- minor bug fixing
- dependencies upgrade

2.7.0 - December 13th, 2022
- rename folders to frontend and backend
- add nginx installer to launcher script
- eslint and prettier refactoring
- switch from random strings to uuid
- minor bug fixing
- add json versioning
- dependencies upgrade

2.6.2 - August 25th, 2022
- dependencies upgrade
- fix reactn crash-causing issues using craco

2.6.1 - July 12th, 2022
- fix image upload (mkdirp promise)
- fix file upload (mkdirp promise)

2.6.0 - July 7th, 2022
- Add eslint with airbnb template
- Apply eslint rules to the whole codebase (full refactoring)
- Introduce React v18
- Introduce React Router v6
- Minor dependencies upgrade
- Node.js 16 support

2.5.2 - March 23rd, 2022
- Fixing crash happening after deleting some users

[SCHEDULED] 4.0.0 - July 11th, 2022
- Scheduled next release with new graphics (UI rework).

[CANCELED] 3.0.0 - January 10th - October 23, 2021
- Canceled due to unsalvageable rework of the core meeting system. Moving on with v4.

2.5.1 - October 13th, 2021
- Fixing bug on images upload (caused by dependencies upgrade)

2.5.0 - October 10th, 2021
- Added email password reset (forgot password)
- Popup to change current password from settings

2.4.0 - December 21st, 2020
- New and improved automated installation script with prompts, checks and colors
- Can now login by username (or email), instead of just email
- Added versioning route

2.3.4 - December 17th, 2020
- Fix "Remove" button in rooms list

2.3.3 - December 3rd, 2020
- Fix dependencies in, update to MongoDB 4.4

2.3.2 - December 2nd, 2020
- Minor server-side bug fixing for meetings
- Honeyside and CodeCanyon links are now automatically hidden when production

2.3.1 - December 1st, 2020
- Fixed issue with typing indicator not showing in some cases

2.3.0 - November 28th, 2020
- Login automatically by using the new /login/{token} route
- Version check in local storage for easier future updates

2.2.0 - November 25th, 2020
- Ubuntu 20.04 is now supported and recommended

2.1.0 - November 10th, 2020
- Add typing indicator
- Support Node.js 14
- Fix word-break in messages
- Disconnect on logout

2.0.6 - November 5th, 2020
- Fix room and meeting url navigation

2.0.5 - November 2nd, 2020
- If a user gets deleted while being logged in, now it gets automatically logged out
- Minor bug fixing

2.0.4 - October 24th, 2020
- Fixed a bug that could randomly cause a gray screen during multiple peers meetings when a peer left the meeting

2.0.3 - October 11th, 2020
- Fixing minor security issues with rooms
- Fixing message link color in incoming messages

2.0.2 - September 24th, 2020
- Close call when closed by counterpart on ringing or during the meeting
- Prefer TCP transport for better call quality

2.0.1 - September 12th, 2020
- Minor bug fixing

2.0.0 - September 10th, 2020
- Core chat system rework
- UI rework
- Switched from p2p to SFU (Selective Forwarding Unit) for audio / video meetings
- Now we are using mediasoup for meetings
- STUN / TURN is no longer required
- Stable on mobile browsers: Chrome for Android and Safari for iOS

1.4.0 - June 2nd, 2020
- Added screen sharing feature

1.3.1 - April 14th, 2020
- Added configuration options for easy rebranding in config file
- Added documentation for rebranding options
- Fixed Electron documentation issues 

1.3.0 - March 30th, 2020
- added electron app
- fixed call button issue not appearing on mobile
- added demo mode switch in frontend config, defaults to false
- fixed admin tab issues

1.2.0 - March 5th, 2020
- added administrative tab to create new users, update and delete existing users
- added protected api routes that can be accessed only from the admin user

1.1.1 - February 27th, 2020
- frontend and backend can now be hosted on different servers

1.1.0 - February 14th, 2020
- added audio / video capabilities for mobile
- fixed multiple details visualization issues in Safari
- fixed contact list visualization issue in Safari
- fixed contact list visualization issue on mobile devices

1.0.1 - February 13th, 2020
- minor bug fixing

1.0.0 - February 11th, 2020
- first version

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
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