BeoNews Pro - React Native mobile app for Wordpress

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by InspireUI
BeoNews Pro - React Native mobile app for Wordpress React native Ecommerce Mobile App template


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BeoNews is an app that does magic for your website by converting your Wordpress website into a mobile true native app with customized contents within a fillip.

What is “customized content”? BeoNews transfers exactly all contents with different formats that you created in Wordpress website into your mobile app without any coding skill and development time. To engage with customers on mobile, we need a mobile app. BeoNews maximizes your customers’ experience and usability through UX flow in both Android and iOs.

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With BeoNews, your mobile app can take your customers through all multimedia such as video, photo, blog listing, Youtube and Vimeo smoothly. Sometimes, your customers may want to download information offline or to share with friends, BeoNews store your data to Firebase and synchronize across your mobile devices, it’s also support smoothly all both Facebook and Google login.

BeoNews provides you a solution to engage and maintain the relationship with your customers through the true mobile native app that is easy to control and simple to manage.

Pro version tutorial:
Expo version tutorial:

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What is the scope of supporting?

  • We support and ensure the features work as above product’s describe by using our pre-config website from github
  • For Regular License: we do not support for setting up the Development environment, nor the integration issues, example integrate with existing website and have issues xyz, please refer to our pre-config website from github
  • and the above features index.

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Change logs

version 3.0.6 – 28 Nov 2019
1. Update - fix the scroll to index issues
2. Update - minor bug fixes
version 3.0.5 – 04 Nov 2019
1. Update - latest Expo 0.35
2. Update - update latest React Native 0.60.4
version 3.0.4 – 22 Jul 2019
1. Update - latest Expo 0.33
2. Update - replace ListView component by FlatList
3. Update - latest package.json library 
4. Update - Distribute content issue -
5. Update - minor bug fix and performance improvement 
v/ersion 3.0.3 – 20 Mar 2019
1. Fix - minor bug fix the render Columns issues
2. Fix - empty image features issues
3. Update - build script issue on Android
version 3.0.2 – 15 Mar 2019
1. Fix - The RCTFBSDK build issue on Xcode 10.x.
2. Fix - Support Android 9 
3. Fix - auto remove the require cycle on Expo version 
version 3.0.0 – 15 Mar 2019
1. New - Ability to create new Post (account testing: / inspireui), required install JWT Wordpress plugin - 
2. New - Homepage - Add Paging dot to the Banner Slider
3. New -  Image gallery - can be pinched and Zoomed.
4. New - config to support Sub Category the Tab View (update showSubCategoryScreen: true)
5. New - Support Android 64 bit
6. New - add new option config to require Login (RequiredLogin: true)
7. Fix - update Mandatory Layout, and compatible with the PinClone (
8. Fix - many minor bug fix and performance improvement
9. Fix - push notification via OneSignal and fixing on Android config.
10. Update - many UX improve on Android OS, also fix landscape issues
11. Update - Add config option to include a single category instead of excluding many categories
12. Update - latest Expo 0.32, related libraries and to latest react-native 0.58 ) 
version 2.9.2-b – Jan 2019
1. New - add config option to enable/disable the sanitize HTML tag on Webview - #108
2. New - Add require login option / only allow the user to use the app after the login
3. Update - build grade - issues #171
4. Update - Replace core Webview by using react-native-webview - #108
5. Fix - Addmob issues - #106
6. Fix - Facebook Login issues on XCode10 - #181
7. Fix - RTL UI issues on some screens
8. Update - latest libraries and minor bug fix
version 2.9.0 – 21 Sep 2018
1. Breaking change and speed up performance 
2. ReDesign the Post Detail page 
3. Add new Onboarding with Lotties support
4. Navigate between pages is now so smoothly 
5. Fix slow issues on Androids
6. Update Expo SDK 30.0 
7. Update React Native 0.57 & some related libraries
version 2.8.6 – 10 Aug 2018
1. Fixed logins issues due to recent Facebook SDK update.
2. Fixed Missing homepage data (go to Home > go to Category > go to Home)
3. Fixed Sign up issues
4. Fixed Youtube fullscreen on Android
5. Update build script by using latest expo-cli
6. Update to latest libraries (React Native & some related libraries)
version 2.8.5 – 31 May 2018
1. Fix video issue on post detail & upgrade animate
2. Add sanitize-html to fix crashing issue
3. Fix limit post on the categories page
4. Fix Admod component issues
5. Update to latest libraries
version 2.8.4 – 22 May 2018
1. Update RN to the latest version and react-navigation 2.0.2
2. Fix Flash screen on Android
3. Fix youtube width issues
4. Fix hidden menu, replaced by an overlay (as the issue could not be fixed
5. IMPORTANT: improve performance and refactor stateless and pure components. 

Detail previous change log:

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