NEW! Now includes a WordPress Plugin to make API calls!
Sign-up for an account on Get an API key. Select a monthly plan. Start making 3D calculations and image renders in the cloud!
Client side implementations are provided in four popular languages:curl -X POST -F "api_key=your-api-key" -F "datafile=@your-model.stl" --urle.g. JSON response:
{ "task_id": "67cdd36a-b53b-427e-8f97-42d62a46c1d5" }
curl -X GET --url "?task_id=your-task-id"
{ "volume": { "value":63999.92980959427, "UOM":"mm3" }, "bbox": { "value": { "width": 40.0, "height": 40.0, "length": 39.99999809265137 }, "UOM": "mm" }, "area": { "value": 9599.993515016226, "UOM": "mm2" }, "time": { "UOM": "s", "value": { "min": 2666.663742066428, "max": 7999.991226199284 } }, "facet_count": { "value":12, "UOM":"#" }, }