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by wuops
StartApp iOS Ecommerce Mobile App template


Authentication system for iOS apps written in Xcode 11 and SwiftUI. StartApp is an iOS project that startups and indie iOS developers need for an easy and quick start coding process of a universal iOS app. All professional apps need an authentication system to allow their users to register and login in different devices, store user’s data in a cloud database and an analytics system.

StarApp allows users to sign in with Email and Password using a nice and user-friendly form, creates a users database to manage user accounts and store their data in Google Firebase. Uses the last version of Google Firebase Cloud Firestore database, authentication systems and Google Analytics that allows you to build apps fast, without managing infrastructure and without cost. StartApp provides a nice UI design built with Apple’s new framework SwiftUI for your Register and Login screens that fits perfectly in all iPhones and iPad screens size and even in Dark Mode configuration. All code to connect read and write data in real-time to Firebase and manage users errors is provided as well as a clear tutorial about how to install StartApp. All code is written in Swift 5, well commented and easy to customize for your own app.

Documentation and installation tutorial

- Unify Register & Login form using email and password
- Reset password by email
- Nice UI design and cool animations
- Easy to customize
- User Management by Firebase
- Cloud Firestore database by Firebase
- Ability to install Google Analytics and Firebase analytics
- Terms and conditions modal page
- Tab menu and “My Account” screen
- Responsive design (ready for all iPhone and iPads screens size)
- Dark mode ready
- 13 high-quality photo backgrounds

Technical features:
- Xcode 11 native project
- SwiftUI
- iOS 13 +
- Firebase Authentification
- Cloud Firestore database
- Firebase Analytics

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    • 6 month free support included from author
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    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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