Nectar - Mobile Web App Kit

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by pmsgz
Nectar - Mobile Web App Kit   Design




Hamburger & Tab Bar Navigation Layout with Google’s Material & Apple’s iOS Design

PWA Ready — Installable & Offline Support

Multi-lingual with support for RTL Languages


Nectar provides over 50 reusable elements and components. Mix and match these components to create beautiful and intuitive UI/UX.
  • Accordion
  • Action Sheet
  • Autocomplete
  • Badge
  • Button
  • Cards
  • Checkbox
  • Chips
  • Content Block
  • Data Table
  • Datepicker
  • Dialog
  • Form Elements
  • Form Validator
  • Floating Action Button
  • Gauge
  • Grid
  • Hamburger
  • Infinite Scroll
  • Keypad
  • Lazy Load
  • List Index
  • List View
  • Navbar
  • Note
  • Notification
  • Photo Browser
  • Picker
  • Popover
  • Popup
  • Preloader
  • Progress Bar
  • Pull to Refresh
  • Radio
  • Range Slider
  • Rating
  • Searchbar
  • Sheet Modal
  • Side Panel
  • Signature Pad
  • Smart Select
  • Sortable List
  • Stories
  • Popup
  • Subnavbar
  • Swipeout
  • Swiper Slider
  • Tabs
  • Timeline
  • Timepicker
  • Toast
  • Toggle
  • Toolbar
  • Tooltip
  • Virtual List


Nectar provides over 30 ready-to-use screens for building beautiful and intuitive user interfaces.

  • 404
  • About
  • Activity Feed
  • Articles – List
  • Articles – Single
  • Business Profile
  • Careers
  • Cart
  • Chat
  • Checkout
  • Coming Soon
  • Contact Us
  • Contacts List
  • Cookie Policy
  • Dashboard
  • Email Confirmation
  • Event
  • Events Calendar
  • FAQ
  • Feedback
  • Forgot Password?
  • Home
  • Invite Friends
  • Leaderboard
  • Log In
  • Notifications
  • OTP Verification
  • Pattern Lock
  • Poll
  • Pricing Plans
  • Privacy Policy
  • Products – List
  • Products – Single
  • Profile Setup
  • Recipe
  • Settings
  • Sign Up
  • Splash
  • Team
  • Terms of Use
  • Testimonials
  • Under Maintenance
  • User Profile
  • Walkthrough
  • Wallet

Web APIs

Web APIs provide access to native device and platform functionalities to the web apps via JavaScript.

Cordova Plugins

Cordova Plugins provide access to device and platform functionalities that are generally unavailable to web apps.

  • Battery Status
  • Build Info
  • Device
  • Dialogs
  • Fingerprint Authentication
  • Geolocation
  • In-App Browser
  • Local Notification
  • Network Information
  • Social Sharing
  • Splash Screen
  • Status Bar
  • Vibration


Nectar provides integration for these third party services right out-of-the-box.


Nectar provides CSS and JS utilities which can be used to do one-off things.

  • Brand Icons
  • Colors
  • Country Selector
  • Dropcaps
  • Elevation
  • Embeds
  • Kenburn Effect
  • Line Dividers


Version 2.8.0 – 17 July 2019
[ADDED] : Component - Signature Pad
[ADDED] : Component - Stories
[ADDED] : Screen - Dashboard
[ADDED] : Screen - Email Confirmation
[ADDED] : Screen - Leaderboard
[ADDED] : Screen - Pattern Lock
[ADDED] : Screen - Pricing Plans
[ADDED] : Integration - RSS Feed
Version 2.7.0 – 23 June 2019
[ADDED] : Screen - Poll
[ADDED] : Screen - Wallet
[ADDED] : Integration - QR Code
[ADDED] : Utility - Country Selector
[ADDED] : Utility - Kenburn Effect
Version 2.6.0 – 06 June 2019
[ADDED] : Integration - Disqus
[ADDED] : Integration - Facebook Account Kit
[ADDED] : Integration - Facebook Comments
Version 2.5.0 – 01 June 2019
[ADDED] : Integration - AlaSQL
[ADDED] : Integration - Google AdMob
[ADDED] : Integration - Google Sheets
[FIXED] : Component - Horizontal Timeline Scroll Issue
[UPDATED] : service-worker.js (Workbox to v4.3.1)
Version 2.4.0 – 20 May 2019
[ADDED] : Integration - Google AMP
[ADDED] : Integration - Gravatar
[ADDED] : Integration - MailChimp
Version 2.3.0 – 25 Apr 2019
[ADDED] : Screen - Contacts List
[ADDED] : Screen - Profile Setup
[ADDED] : Web API - Server-Sent Events API
[ADDED] : Cordova Plugin - Fingerprint Authentication
[ADDED] : Cordova Plugin - Local Notification
[UPDATED] : Test APK for Android
Version 2.2.1 – 18 Apr 2019
[UPDATED] : Font Awesome to v5.8.1
[UPDATED] : Framework7 Icons to v2.3.1
[UPDATED] : Material Icons to Latest (Unreleased) Version. Available in 5 variants - Filled, Outlined, Rounded, Two-Tone, Sharp
[UPDATED] : service-worker.js (Workbox to v4.2.0)
[UPDATED] : Test APK for Android
Version 2.2.0 – 24 Mar 2019
[ADDED]   : Screen - Activity Feed
[ADDED]   : Screen - Event
[ADDED]   : Screen - Recipe
[ADDED]   : Web API - Clipboard API
[ADDED]   : Web API - Device Orientation API
[ADDED]   : Web API - Page Visibility API
[ADDED]   : Web API - Quota Estimation API
[ADDED]   : Web API - Screen Orientation API
[FIXED]   : Android Back Button Bug on Home Screen
[UPDATED] : Test APK for Android
Version 2.1.0 – 19 Mar 2019
[ADDED]   : Test APK for Android
[FIXED]   : Android Back Button Functionality for Tab Bar Navigation Layout
[UPDATED] : service-worker.js
[UPDATED] : anime.js to v3.0.1
[UPDATED] : Font Awesome to v5.7.2
[UPDATED] : Framework7 to v3.6.7
[UPDATED] : Framework7 Icons to v2.3.0
[UPDATED] : i18next to v15.0.7
[UPDATED] : jQuery Validation to v1.19.0
Version 2.0.0 – 02 Feb 2019
[UPDATED] : Major Update
Version 1.2.0 – 06 Nov 2017
[ADDED]   : New Component - Geocomplete
[ADDED]   : More Social Buttons - Windows, GitHub, Dropbox, VK
[UPDATED] : Set the default theme mode to Light
Version 1.1.0 – 09 Oct 2017
[ADDED]   : New Component - Tour Guide
Version 1.0.0 – 05 Oct 2017
Initial Release

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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