School/College/University Management ERP

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by shaheddev
School/College/University Management ERP Net


School/College/University Management ERP

School/College/University Management ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a complete web application and collection of programs designed to assist schools in administering their executive responsibilities on a day-to-day basis. Also, it operates your school with much more advantages than a traditional school. This school management system empowers schools to keep track of their daily operations while centralizing their resources and information. This managing system helps to reduce the pressure of managing a large amount of data from the school.

It includes the user’s full journey to every school or educational institution from student admission to student leaving, from fee collection to exam results. More than 10+ major modules with 7 inbuilt users (Super Admin, Admin, Accountant, Teacher, Librarian, Parent, and Student) panel. Moreover, it has a robust reporting system for all modules.

Live Demo:

User Name: Password: 123

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Core Feature

Student Payment

Superfast invoice generation and print invoices with multiple options will definitely add another dimension to your business. Also, you can instantly share invoices through email instantly.


In this school management ERP, super admin, admin, and teacher can take students’ attendance to track academic progress.

Class routine

The class routine is another part of academic terms in school management ERP. The super admin and admin create the class routine for different classes. In this panel, class routine helps to complete regular academic activities.


In this school management, the subject is a part of academic activities. Students, teachers, and parents have permission to overview subjects. Only super admin and admin can add different subjects for different classes.


The syllabus is another essential part of academic activities in school management ERP. The syllabus supports other educational activities, such as class routine, subject, and department. In this panel, the super admin, admin, and teacher have permission to create the syllabus for the students, and only parents and students have permission to view the syllabus.


In this term, super admin and admin can create a class to operate other’s regular academic activities. They can also create sections, edit, and delete if they need. Classes and sections help to run class routine, subject, syllabus, classroom, and department.


The classroom is a significant part of operating academic activities in an educational institute. Only admin and super admin can add, edit and remove classrooms, and they have an essential role in making a proper layout for the institute.


Every educational institute has different departments to function for academic progress. In school management ERP, super admin and admin have the authority to add, edit, and erase various departments.

Event calendar

The academic calendar is an essential part of this term. It helps to make track of an academic session. Everyone can see the event and detail from this panel. In school management ERP, super admin and admin can add an event to the academic calendar.

Library Management

Library management systems help libraries keep track of the books, their checkouts, and members’ subscriptions and profiles.

Student Promotion

Student promotion by the student or by class with proper status.


Organization all-expense you can manage using this application. Have multiple reports to track company expenses properly.


You can track all of your purchase histories using this application so quickly. This module automatically adjusts the newly added items into your inventory. Have multiple reports to visualize the entire purchase module.


Dynamic dashboard with recently registered students and recent payment items.


Get comprehensive insights into your business with 20+ detailed reports designed for you. Overview & item stock, product quantity and damage item, general profit and/or loss report, sales, purchases, customer, suppliers, and staff user reports.

Currency Exchange

Easily accept any Currency Denomination While making a Sale or Return.

Custom Receipts

Easily customize your receipts to match what you need for your business. There are 5 different configuration options for making your receipts how you want them.

Admin LTE Theme

Use the excellent and responsive theme in a low ambient light environment to reduce eyestrain. It provides a range of responsive, reusable, and commonly used components.


Easily manage the app with settings for logo, categories, variants, currencies, custom page access, and identity option.

Much more

User login history, user management, email configuration, nice UI.


Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 or later, ASP.NET Core 6.0, IdentityCore, Entity Framework Code First, MS SQL SERVER 2017, AdminLTE 3.0.5, JavaScript, jQuery data table, bootstrap 4, sweetalert, toastr, Fontawesome etc.

Prerequisite Application

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022, Dot Net Core 6.0, MS SQL SERVER 2017/MySQL, IIS, Chrome/Edge Browser.


Full Source Code and code first project running guideline.

Demo Video Preview

App Screenshot

Technical Features

  • ASP.NET Core 6.0
  • EF Core code first
  • Partial page update CRUD operation
  • Razor and jQuery for FE
  • jQuery DataTable for faster data load
  • Sweet Alert2 and Toaster notification
  • select2 dropdown
  • ASP.NET Core MVC Architecture
  • Uses Swagger for API documentation
  • Dependency Injection
  • Standard Naming conventions
  • JWT Token Based Authentication and Claim Based Authorization
  • All Methods are Async/Await
  • CORS Settings


If you want to modify or add new features, you can always contact us at,
WhatsApp: +8801674411603
Skype: shahedatomap
Telegram: shahed71bd

Version 1.0.3

- Annual Result Sheet Preparation
- Parents References
- Syllabus Download
- Notice Board
- Fix User Role Issue
- Visitors Log
- New Report: Daily Attendance

Version 1.0.2

- Update to Dotnet 6.0
- fix issue large file
- refactor connection string
- added PostgreSQL Database Support 

Version 1.0.0

- Initial Release

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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