Quiz Plus - An ultimate solution for Quiz/Exam/Survey

by Sangib_123saha


Are you thinking to upgrade your existing examination or assessment system?

I think you just come to the right place.

Quiz Plus is a web application / platform for Online Assessments, tests, surveys, quizzes and exams. It’s best suited for the corporate sector, admissions management, online evaluations and skills assessment for the educational institutions, companies, corporations and agencies


Set monthly or yearly recurring subscription plans to get paid by your candidates also you can make a free plan too.

Payment Methods

you can take payments in two ways for now. More options will come.

  • Stripe
  • Offline (Bank Transfer, Cash etc)

Question Types

  • Multiple choice question
  • True/False
  • Yes/No
  • Image question
  • Video question
  • Descriptive/Essay question

Marks Distribution

Depending on your needs you are allowed three types of marks distribution

  • Equal distribution
  • No marks(Survey)
  • Question wise set

Email Invitation

You can invite your candidates through email to attend an assessment.


Demo URL & Testing

Landing page & Sign In

This app consists two roles i.e Admin & Candidate. Admin user’s credential will come from migration and of course you can modify all informations of admin user including password.


Email: admin@quizPlus.com

Password: abcd1234

App Features


  • Manage subscription plans
  • Track all payments(online and offline)
  • Renew customers subscription(for offline payments)
  • Manage app settings
  • Powerful dashboard
  • Manage app menus and roles
  • Manage Faqs
  • Manage potential customers requests
  • Mcq and Descriptive(essay) questions
  • Image and Video questions
  • Question set by Complexity level & Category
  • Upload csv questions(instructions available)
  • Email invitation to attend assessment
  • 3 Mark distribution option
  • Scheduled assessment
  • Certificate template
  • Assess pending assessments
  • All users login history
  • Secure login
  • Trusted payment gateway
  • Pdf, Excel, Csv download options
  • & many more


  • Practise sets
  • Reports
  • Analytics
  • Well organized interface to attend an assessment
  • Profile update
  • Password reset
  • Screen lock
  • Full screen
  • Faqs
  • & many more

Technical Features

  • Separate API and CLIENT project.
  • Swagger API documentation.
  • Material design UI template.
  • No Jquery dependency.
  • No sql file dependency.
  • Vuex for state management on client side.
  • Vue Router for navigation.
  • Axios to call Api.
  • EF core as ORM.
  • Export data on Pdf, Excel & csv.
  • Shown chart using chart.js
  • Database Seeding & Migration.
  • Handle HTTP error pages(like 404,401,403 etc).
  • CORS Managing technique.
  • Api authentication & authorization using JWT.
  • & many more

Technologies Used

  • .Net core 6
  • EF Core 6.0.0
  • Sql Server 2012 or higher/Mysql 5.6 or higher/Oracle 12c or higher/SqLite 3/PostgreSql 13
  • Vue 2.6
  • Vuetify 2.2
  • Vuex 3.5
  • Vue router 3.2

I request you to check the demo version before purchase also check documentation for server set up. Project source code available for extended license only.If you need further clarification, feel free to email me at sangibruse@gmail.com


  • Icons from Google material icons
  • Freepik for Landing page images & banner image
  • Vuetify for UI template

Change Logs

3 July 2021 -- Version 1.0
    - Initial Release
8 July 2021 -- Version 1.1
    - Add question wise mark option
    - Attempt datetime add in reports
    - Email Settings add in App Settings
    - Fix PDF export issue for long width table
    - Display marks on exam time
22 Sep 2021 -- Version 1.2
    - Bulk CSV Upload (Questions) 
    - Reports turn into Examine & Reports to examine the descriptive question
    - Pass status at on report
    - Add paid registration for students using stripe & control this through App Settings
    - Add price on each quiz and make it optional 
    - Browser refresh end the exam option add on app settings
    - Add category for questions
    - Sent email invitation from Quiz create UI
    - Sent email with selected students from Reports
    - Add descriptive/essay question
    - Add Question level (easy,medium & hard) 
20 March 2022 -- Version 1.3
    - Separate analytics from dashboard for candidates
    - Contact us form add
18 Sep 2022 -- Version 1.4
    - Redesign landing page
    - Redesign sign in UI
    - Add Subscription plan
    - Add payment log
    - Add app version
    - Add payment chart on Dashboard
    - Make Scrollbar thinner
    - Switch to .Net core 6
28 Jan 2023 -- Version 1.5
    - Certificate Pdf download
    - Email from address add
    - Landing page text dynamic
    - Landing page price menu dynamic
    - Email text dynamic
    - Language Option add
    - Add instruction before starting assessment
    - Dynamic dashboard icons
    - Sign in click switch to pricing
    - Color picker add on settings
    - Add a no internet page
    - Add background color on certificate
    - Only publish files to deploy on server (source code available for extended license)

App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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