Salon Vendor Flutter App - UI Kit

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by Fluttertop


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This is a well-documented and coded UI kit for Salon Vendor App, which is ready to use for booking and vendor listing. The current color scheme and typography are designed specifically for salon services apps. This UI Kit is built on Flutter, an open-source mobile application development framework created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS.

The Salon Vendor App UI Kit provides a modern look and feels for mobile applications, making it easy for developers to create a visually appealing salon vendor app. It saves a lot of time and effort in designing a sleek UI for modern salon apps. The UI Kit can be easily integrated into any Flutter project, and the code organization is designed for easy understanding and customization. You can take out any part of the code and add it to your Flutter application as needed.

It comes with 50+ screen application pages. It works great with both Android and iOS.

VERSION 1.0 – June 20, 2023

=================VERSION 1.0 - June 20, 2023=============
1. The First version uploaded.

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