Educational Theory and Quiz Tests Android App

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by allzone
Educational Theory and Quiz Tests Android App


Educational Theory and Quiz Tests Android App - 1 Educational Theory and Quiz Tests Android App - 2


Android Universal App Template for you to build any educational app, Full working app, including list of content, quiz mode, explanation for each question, quiz statistics.

You can easily customize this App Template to any theme of your choice by just changing app colors, icons, theory content, quiz content and Default images.

Check out the current version on google play.

Download your copy today and start making money!

Features and Requirements

- Easy to understand and update
- Theory section with pdf files
- Quiz questions loaded from json file
- Integrated Google AdMob
- Quiz results statistics
- Wrong answer explanation
- Offline data support
- Send feedback button: send an email to the developer (like a support link)

iOS Version is already here CHECK IT NOW

Reskin steps:

1. Create playmarket app
2. Replace theory and quiz content in the project
3. Change project name and icons
4. Publish the application to Google PlayMarket

All other configurations you can find in Documentation file included in the package, which explains how to change content and reskin the app.


  -Fixed: Add support for Android 9.x and 10.x

  -Added: Add timer for each quiz

  -Fixed: Add support for Android 8.1

  -Initial: Initial Version.

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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