Quarca - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template

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by CazyLabs
Quarca - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template   Design Dashboard


quarca-bootstrap-admin-template quarca-widgets quarca-sidebar

Quarca is a powerful admin dashboard template based on the latest Twitter Bootstrap framework. Built with HTML5, CSS, jQuery and LESS, this template can be used for whatever purpose you want; be it an amazing admin panel to control your website/app or a high-end web application. Each pixel has been carefully crafted to look fantastic and has been optimized to allow unlimited customization.


  • Built on Bootstrap
  • HTML5, CSS2/3, LESS, jQuery
  • Validated HTML5
  • Cross-browser compatibility
  • Fully mobile optimized(Responsive)
  • Drag, Drop & Resize Widgets
  • 9 themes available
  • Create unlimited themes with LESS
  • All-in-One Sidebar(Menu, Friends List, Chat, Emails, Tasks & Notifications)
  • Amazing UI Kit:
    • 4 types of Buttons
    • Button Dropdown, Dropup & Groups
    • Font Awesome & Glyphicons Icons
    • Lists, Pagination, Labels, Badges, Tooltips, Popovers
    • Tabs & Accordions
    • Animated Progress Bars
    • Carousels
    • Filterable Tables
  • Form Elements
    • Tags Input
    • Autonumeric
    • Checkboxes, radios & switches
    • Advanced selects
    • Input groups and spinners
    • Drag & drop file uploader
    • Color picker
    • Date & time picker
    • WYSIWYG Editor
    • Form Validation
  • Charts
    • Flot Charts
    • Chart.js
    • Easy Pie Chart
    • Sparklines
  • Pages
    • Agenda-Calendar
    • Map
    • Profile page with timeline
    • Login, Register…
  • Well-documented with live previews
  • And much more!


Credits can be found in the template documentation.


Version 1.1 - 24 March 2015
     NEW: Dashboard Widgets
     NEW PLUGIN: FitText
     UPGRADE: Bootstrap v3.3.2 to v3.3.4
     UPGRADE: jQuery UI v1.11.3 to v1.11.4
     UPGRADE: jScrollPane v2.0.20 to v2.0.21
     UPGRADE: moment.js v2.8.1 to v2.9.0
     UPGRADE: autoNumeric v1.9.30 to v1.9.34
     UPDATE: require.js/require.min.js with the new Bootstrap, jScrollPane,moment.js
     CHANGE: content(.main) background color from #f4f4f4 to #EDF0F5
     CHANGE: existing dashboard widgets

Version 1.0.1 - 18 March 2015
     NEW Added PSD File

Version 1.0 - 17 March 2015
     Initial release.

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    • 360 degrees quality control
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