Premium Blog Quote with Google Ads

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by artificialsoft
Premium Blog Quote with Google Ads


Premium Blog Quote with Google Ads - 1

Product description

Premium quotes motivate you and give you positive reminders in your daily life! Get motivation with Premium Categories of quotes and enhance your well-being by daily affirmations.This app is full of Inspiration,Motivation and Live quotes. When you have bad days, it has the power to heal you. If you hope for an extra boost, it inspires you to fight for your goals and achieve your dreams. What’s more, we will help you build good habits, develop a positive mindset and become a better self by daily reminders.

Implement Google Material Material Design for Android

Audience Network Google ads

Support App Open, Banner, Interstitial & Native Ad format

Integrated with FCM & OneSignal Push Notification

Dark mode/light mode

Lottie animation progress

Category wise quotes

Send Notification with link,Splash Screen,In App Review

Quotes of the day

App Demo

Technical Documentation

  • Document
Last Update fixed V1.0.0
- Initial Release

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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