ionAppFull4Pro super complete ionic 3 starter with admin dashboard backend and cloud firestore

by jomendezdev
ionAppFull4Pro super complete ionic 3 starter with admin dashboard backend and cloud firestore Ionic Ecommerce Mobile App template


ionic starter




You’ve the idea for a mobile app! don’t waste time, build once deploy everywhere like a pro

This is a super complete Ionic template starter (using the latest versions), that might help you to bring your ideas to reality, build your app in no time, start monetizing quick, manage all the data used by the ionic app with a cutting edge Angular Admin dashboard application.

New on release 1.2.0

Push notification video

Shopping cart Video

High quality documentation

more than just a template

easy customization

ongoing improvements

who should invest

frameworks and technologies

Backend admin dashboard

Admin dashboard Video

It includes a super complete documentation with step by step instructions, also if for any reason you have issues with the setup of this project you can contact me, am here to help

Try before you invest

Download APK

Key Features

  • Push Notification
  • Offline support
  • Google and Facebook login support
  • Support for admob (cordova-plugin-admob-free)
  • Firebase authentication, login
  • Firebase realtime database
  • Cloud firestore
  • Native social sharing
  • Call a number
  • Send SMS
  • Rate app functionality
  • Places Maps google, geolocation
  • Restaurant menu
  • e-commerce shopping
  • Shopping Cart with PayPal integration
  • Discover places
  • Image gallery with slides
  • CRUD forms with validation
  • Examples with chartjs
  • Social profile templates
  • Many more…


    -Made it compatible with node 9.5.0
    -Fixed small bugs
    -Centralized configuration
    -Improved documentation

   -Added push notification functionality to the ionic project (support on web and mobile)
   -Added custom push notification console, into the admin dashboard
   -Removed unused dependencies in the source code
   -Fixed minor issues

   -Added Shopping cart for Restaurant Menu and e-commerce shopping functionalities
   -Added login with email/password to the admin dashboard
   -Added "Add Admin User" tab to the dashboard
   -Fixed minor issues

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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