NewsApp - News & Blog Android App Template

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by qrolic
NewsApp - News & Blog Android App Template Unity News & Blogging Mobile App template


Water Reminder Android App using kotlin

Water Reminder App reminds you to drink water, a great application that take care of your health.The best healthcare application for you. And it’s totally free.


  • Developed in android platform

    The app is developed using Kotlin Programming Language in Android Studio Platform.

  • Intriguing customizable UI

    The app has beautiful User Interface which can be customized as per the user’s requirement.

  • Fully customizable code

    This Android Native Project is developed with fully customizable code. You can easily modify the your app.

  • Ready to release app

    This is a complete project. You can edit package name & app name & admob id

  • Splash Screen

    When start appliction it show animated splashscreen.

  • Home Screen

    Show today’s record. Add Water by clicking on glass. great animated screen with banner ads

  • History

    User can view his drinking water history.

  • Settings

    User can edit settings like goal, gender, weight, walk-up time, bed time, Reminder time gape change, Remider Sound change.

  • More Tips

    Add tips for your user. water related quotes

  • Download Sample APK

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