Quizin App - Quiz Application | Quiz Game | Level Up | Rank Up

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by HamzaArs
Quizin App - Quiz Application | Quiz Game | Level Up | Rank Up


- About the app :

Quizin App is a Quiz application which is about answering multiple questions of a single quiz of a specific category. Every quiz has 3 difficulties which is easy, normal and hard. So that every difficulty has its own amount of collectable trophies (The more difficult, the more trophies you get). Besides, the ability to choose the time of every question, so that the less time you choose, the more trophies you get. The app also support the level system. When the quiz is finished, you will get a specific amount of exp based on your performance of the quiz you have played. Every time you level up, the next level will be harder than the previous one. The level system has 3 stages : Beginner, Intermediate and professional. Each one has its own Badge. Every Player Will start with the Beginner stage, so that to get to the next stage (Intermediate) you have to finish as many quizzes as possible to level up to level 20 then you will be an Intermediate player. The same thing, to get the Professional stage you need 20 levels more to get it (level +40). Furthermore, don’t forget to get as many trophies as possible because they are the main thing in Quizin App leaderboard. So that you can reach higher ranks with other players.

For the admin app, you can almost do anything with Quizin App data. It provides an easy and simple way to add, update and delete categories, quizzes and questions. It gives you the ability to :

- add a new category with its name, description, logo, item background and layout background
- update and delete the existing categories.
- add new quiz with its name
- update and delete the existing quizzes.
- add a new question with its main question text, the four answers, the difficulty, and the correct answer.
- update and delete the existing questions.

- Demo Apps :

Quizin App :
=> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LQQdS1bd3bKQm-SLiEIIPy_5eiXIFXup/view?usp=sharing
Quizin Admin
=> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JgANVX9S49FcJR3kmYY8GSoy06OvDZyh/view?usp=sharing

- Admin app login :

=> email : admin@gmail.com
=> password : admin123

- Features :

=> Ready to publish app
=> Well organized application
=> Support Material3 Themes
=> Great ui/ux
=> Player level system
=> Ranking up
=> Leaderboard
=> Fun quiz game
=> Easy to add categories, quizzes and questions using the admin app

- You will get Free :

=> Admin app, Illustrators and avatars

- Tools :

=> Android Studio
=> Firebase
=> Kotlin

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