Music Player Apps is a bundle of React Native mobile app together with PHP based Web app for managing and playing musics. You can add music files and live music stream URLs in the web app and organize them using play lists and tags. Users can listen to the music in the web app or using the mobile app. Also mobile app supports local playlist where users can create custom playlist by combining musics from your web app.
We have included the following new features with the current update.
( updated on 7-May-2022 )
+ Facebook comment feature for music and playlist page.
+ Google adsense feature to earn money from web app.
+ Google analytics feature to track the website growth.
+ Fixed issue with the installation db script faced by some mysql database types.
+ Fixed issue handling missing image scenario for single page view.
+ Support unicode charactors in title and URL (Chinese letters etc)
+ Populate created by field for musics as logged in user
The React native music player app and a music player website which includes backend API for the mobile app.
( updated on 22-FEB-2022 )
+ Initial version
The React native music player app and a music player website which includes backend API for the mobile app.
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