Mesio - Food React Native Template | CLI 0.64.3

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by George_Fx
Mesio - Food React Native Template | CLI 0.64.3  Food Mobile



This project is a TEMPLATE. Not backend project. Built on RN CLI 0.64.3

The images any media & elements that appear or are used in the template are not included in the main download file, thay are only for the preview purpose.


Mesio is a food delivery mobile app template built on top of React Native. It is available and supports both Android and IOS platforms. If you don’t wish to start development for your online food delivery service from scratch ? Mesio is your answer. App has all the necessary pages an online food requires . Use this app to bootstrap your online food delivery service fast.

Screens Included:

  • 02-Onboarding 1
  • 03-Onboarding 2
  • 04-Onboarding 3
  • 05-Sing in
  • 06-Sing up
  • 07-Select Location
  • 08 Success Screen
  • 09 Forget Password
  • 10 Forget Password (Pop Up)
  • 11 Forgot password (sent email)
  • 12 New Password
  • 13 Verify your phone number
  • 14 Confirmation code
  • 15 Change Password
  • 16 Profile
  • 17 Profile
  • 18 My Orders History
  • 19 My Orders Upcoming
  • 20 Edit My Account
  • 21 Favorite List
  • 22 Unfavorite List
  • 23 Notifications
  • 24 My Promocodes
  • 25 My Promocodes (You do not have Promocodes)
  • 27 Home
  • 27-Order success
  • 28 Restaurant menu v.1
  • 29 Product Details
  • 31 Order Details
  • 32 Select Payment Method
  • 33 Payment Method
  • 34 Order Successful
  • 35 Add New Card
  • 35-Restaurant about
  • 36 Empty Cart
  • 37 Filter


Images & Icons:

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