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Memory Master - Match Two Of A Kind - Unity Game For Android, iOS, WebGL, HTML, PC, linux, macOS

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by codecanyon


This is a Unity game best optimized for android and iOS devices. It also boasts compatibility with WebGL, PC, Linux, and various other platforms supported by Unity.

Test it here (WebGL) Download the test APK file and try it out on your Android device.

Memory Master offers an immersive and stimulating experience, presenting players with an engaging memory game that aims to test and enhance their cognitive skills. The core objective of the game is simple yet captivating: match pairs of identical cards within a dynamic and timeconstrained environment.

As the timer ticks away 60 seconds per round, players are tasked with swiftly and accurately pairing as many cards as possible, all while racing against the clock. This time pressure adds an exhilarating dimension to the gameplay, encouraging quick thinking and sharp memory recall.

What sets Memory Master apart is its ingenious progression system. As players advance through the game, they encounter progressively challenging levels where the number of cards steadily increases. This gradual ramp-up in difficulty ensures that the gameplay remains fresh and compelling, continuously pushing players to hone their memory skills and strive for mastery.

Whether you’re a casual player looking for a fun brain-teaser or a seasoned gamer seeking a stimulating challenge, Memory Master promises hours of enjoyment and mental stimulation. So dive in, test your memory prowess, and embark on a thrilling journey of card-matching mastery!

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