Online Word Quiz – Image Guess Puzzle is an Android app which support adding unlimited number of categories and unlimited number of levels inside each category and unlimited number of puzzles inside each level, using Online Realtime Firebase database so you can update your puzzles online directly, the puzzle can be inserted as text only, image only or text and Image.
The app is integrated with AdMob Ads and In-App product to remove ads.
Download the app:
You can try removing ads feature by using the test APK which includes a free trial of In-App Product.

- Online Realtime Firebase Database with ability to add unlimited categories and unlimited levels for each category and unlimited questions for each level.
- Flexible questions: Text, Image or Text+Images.
- Leaderboard (Player name, rank, image, score) which shows the result in real-time. with the ability to define the max number of users in the leaderboard.
- Show user progress and score average for each category.
- Support using multiple words as an answer.
- Sound effects and Animations.
- Enable/Disable sounds easily.
- Ask Friends: Share screenshot of the puzzle on social media apps.
- Show Answer: After watching rewarded ad.
- Skip feature, Erasing any letter from the answer by clicking on it..
- Multi popup dialog: (Correct, Wrong, Rest time to show rewarded ad, Reveal the first letter, finishing the level(passed / failed)).
- User profile:(Displaying the user name, email, image, score) with the ability to change the user name and image.
- Responsive design, support Phones and Tablets and all screen sizes and orientations.
- Signing by Google with a skip button.
- Showing a login button at the end of the level for unregistered users.
- Showing a green icon on the completed levels.
- Ability to reset any level.
- Support LTR and RTL languages.
- Ability to add any language alphabet to the answer choices.
- Integrating In-app purchase to remove ads.
- Navigation Drawer list include:(Levels, Sound Effects, Remove Ads, Share, Rate, Contact us, Privacy Policy, Reset Ads).
- Ability to define a pass score average to unlock the next level.
- Skip Question: After watching rewarded ad.
- Consuming 1 score if answer is wrong.
- Ability to define the number of consumed scores if the user skipped question, with checking if player own enough scores to skip question.
- AdMob Ads (3 Types): Interstitial, Smart Banners, Rewarded video ads.
- Rest Time: Showing rewarded ad every certain number of puzzles with progress percent, that number can be changed flexibly.
- AdMob Consent SDK (for EU countries) : Comply with the GDPR + Reset Ads option+ In-app purchase to remove ads
- Checking the Internet connection.
- Support Firebase Push Notifications for active and inactive users (the notifications will be received when the app is working or not).
- Android Studio project, Easy customization with clean code.
- Documentation included with step by step detailed guide and video tutorials.

- Version 1.5 (16th March 2020)
- Minor UI fixes and enhancements.
- Fixing the UI issue in720×1200 screen resolution.
- Hiding the ads from categories after purchasing the In-App Product.
- Showing the user’s total score instead of the category score in the Leaderboard.
- Version 1.5 (11th February 2020)
- New Features:
- Erasing any letter from the answer by clicking on it.
- Support using multiple words as an answer.
- Support adding unlimited categories with adding unlimited levels for each category and unlimited questions for each level.
- Signing by Google with a skip button.
- Leaderboard (Player name, rank, image, score) which shows the result in real-time. the max number of users can be modified.
- User profile (Displaying the user name, email, image, score) with the ability to change the user name and image.
- Migrating to AndroidX, targeting API 29 and updating the SDKs and Dependencies to the latest versions.
- Revealing the complete answer instead of revealing the first letter only.
- Centering the choice and answer boxes instead of aligning them to left or right.
- Fixing the UI issue in 854×480 screen resolution.
- Displaying the user progress and score average for each category.
- Showing a green icon on the completed levels.
- Ability to reset any level.
- Showing a login button at the end of the level for unregistered users.
- Multiple UI enhancements.
- Updating the documentation file with new sections and video tutorials.
- Version 1.3 (11th July 2019)
- Fixing the UI issue in 1440 *2560 screen resolution.
- Enhancing the rewarded ad performance.
To upgrade from version 1.2 to version 1.3 you only need to replace ( file.
- Version 1.2 (8th February 2019)
- Ability to define a pass score average to unlock the next level.
- Skip Question: After watching rewarded ad.
- Consuming 1 score if answer is wrong.
- Ability to define the number of consumed scores for skipped question, with checking scores before skipping the question.
- Updating documentation file section 4, and creating a guide (How to upgrade to version 1.2)
- Version 1.0 (19th January 2019)
- Enhance sound effects performance.
- Resolve (reveal first letter) problem.
- Version 1.0 (20th December 2018)