Ionic Wordpress RESTAPI (wpIonicApp V1.0) - News / Magazine / Blogs

by developersuresh
Ionic Wordpress RESTAPI (wpIonicApp V1.0) - News / Magazine / Blogs Ionic News & Blogging Mobile App template


About Ionic Wordpress RESTAPI App V1.0

’’Enter the new age of converting your News Website, Magazine Website, and Blogs into Smart Mobile Apps.’‘

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This App helps you in easily converting News Website, or Magazine Website, or Blogs in to Smart Mobile Apps. The App has been built using the cutting edge latest technology of Ionic Framework. Ionic is an open source front end SDK which can give a smart look, feel, and appearance for the Mobile App, along with an excellent UI interaction. Using Ionic, you can build beautiful hybrid Mobile App with HTML 5, CSS and JavaScript.

All you need is just some plugins to your WordPress site. In not time you will have a mobile app for it. All that it takes is just your website URL. Your website will be converted into beautiful Mobile Apps instantly. It has a wide range of components, plugins and themes which can help you build your dream Mobile App.

The app uses SASS, which basically is CSS with super powers. Each component has its dedicated sass files and partials well structured with independent variables which provides you with complete modularity, flexibility and customizability.

Ionic framework is an open source front-end SDK for developing awesome hybrid mobile apps with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. Ionic is focused mainly on the look and feel, and UI interaction of your app. Cordova is a platform to build Native Mobile Applications using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.

Who can use this App? News Website: Can you imagine how wonderful would your customers feel if they are able to read their daily news while travelling in a metro train? Are your customers your true assets? Then, you should give them the wonderful gift of access to your News Website through few touches on their handheld mobile device.

Magazine Websites: How awesome your magazine readers may feel when they do not have to go to a shop to buy a magazine? How convenient would it be for them if they can read their favourite column in your magazine, on their mobile device? Present this wonderful experience to your customers. Simply convert your Magazine Website into a Smart Mobile App now.

Blogs: No wonder you are already a step ahead to reach the online space. Why don’t you take another step towards being the smartest of all? Convert your WordPress Blog into a Smart Mobile App and always be the first one to leave behind the old times.

Features and Functionalities of WPIonic Version 1.1:

- Ready to use with your current WordPress website. - Easy conversion from WordPress to Android/IPhone. - Ionic framework open source front-end SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps with HTML5.

- Angular J S for awesome front end look and feel, appearance and beautiful UI/UX. - Recent WordPress posts. - Featured posts in home page. - Categories and Tags. - List of categories from the menu. - View blog post. - Images in full width. - Right multi menu to filter posts by category and search posts by query. - Authentication – Registration and Login integrated with WordPress. Registration/Login and Form Validation. - WordPress Integration with JSON API Custom fields. - “Loading…” sign when bringing posts.

- Infinite scroll (for ultimate compatibility with mobile). - “Read more” button to have access to the entire post. - Social sharing of posts.

Required Plugins for your WordPress Website: It is very important that the following API has already been installed in your WordPress website. The WordPress site can get converted into Mobile App, only if these APIs are installed within it. If none or any of these have not been already installed in your WordPress site, then, you may use the given to links to install them. 1. WP REST API

2. JWT Authentication for WP REST API

3. Better REST API Featured Images In order to modify the app you need to have knowledge in web technologies such as JavaScript, html5 and css3. You also need to be able to install Ionic and its dependencies on your machine. We recommend you to use the Ionic official installation guide. and ask on the Ionic forum for support. In case of further app related queries, we can assist you. we do not provide support on how to build the app using Ionic.

Install Guide

Read before purchase:

This is just the beginning which is version 1.0 of the App. The App will be constantly improved and enhanced for it’s better performance.

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