Youzhang - Ionic 3 Catalogue Template

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Youzhang - Ionic 3 Catalogue Template Ionic Ecommerce Mobile App template


Youzhang is an iconic template catalog 3. This ionic template uses version 3 and uses the latest feature of ionic v3 that is Lazy Loading. With Ionic version 3 and Lazy Loading you don’t have to define all the components in the app.module.ts file and your hybrid app will get more native and it will make the app performance better.


  • Tabs Layout
  • Using Ionic version 3.1.1
  • Lazy Loading
  • Slider on home page
  • Slider on product page
  • Related product on product page
  • Color customization
  • Has several components
    • Pages
    • Home Page
    • Products Page
    • Detail Product Page
    • Categories Page
    • Tutorial/Slider Page
    • Search Page
    • Credits Page
    • Filter Modal
    • Sorting Alert
    • Share Action Sheet


Make sure you have tried the app demo before purchasing it.

Download APK or using an Ionic View (ID: B72E32EA)

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