Ion Banking - ionic 5 banking app ui theme

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by IonWizard
Ion Banking - ionic 5 banking app ui theme React native Finance & Banking Mobile Ukit


Ion Banking is the leading ionic UI theme for online banking applications. It contains all the basic features of the banking application. You have possibility to customize this as per your requirement and connect to your own backend.

Updated to Version 1.2

Thank you for all of our customers who are supporting and being with us so far. We have updated the theme in to version 1.2.

Lets Say Hi to new update.

  • New custom font ‘Avenir’
  • Real chart with ChartJS instead of SVG Chart Image
  • Fixed All depreciated SCSS.
  • Increased code re-usability
  • Dynamic credit cards layouts.
  • ionic app scripts 5.0.0

Ion Banking - ionic 5 banking app ui theme - 1

Above screen you’ll see the real screen footage of the app. App contains:
  • Into Screen
  • Login Screen
  • Forgot Password Screen
  • Signup Screen
  • Dashboard with circular progress bar
  • Wallet Screen
  • Expenses Screen
  • Proifle Screen
  • Notification Screen
  • Add income/exprense Screen
  • Request Money Screen
  • Send money Screen
  • Animated success Screen


Before you buy

  • Please get the test apk and test the app.​
  • Make sure the theme is satisfied for your work
  • If you have any problems leave a comment first so we can answer you

How to setup in my machine?
It’s simple as you think.

1.Extract(unzip) the package. 2.Open the project in your favorite code editor. 3. Type ‘npm install’ to install node modules. 4 Just type ionic serve’

To build android apk 1. ionic cordova platform add android 2. ionic cordova build android—prod

Ion Banking - ionic 5 banking app ui theme - 2

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    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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