Espresso - A Responsive Bootstrap 4 webapp admin panel

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by CreativeMilk
Espresso - A Responsive Bootstrap 4 webapp admin panel   Design


Espresso is an admin/webapp User Interface (UI) template, that’s build on the one of the latest versions of bootstrap (v.4) and jQuery (v.3). This theme is build for different kind of viewport/screensizes(desktop, tablet and mobile phone).

Espresso is build with a minimal and whitelabel feeling, with the idea that not every panel is the same, therefore you can built your own kind of layout. This admin panel has a top bar navigation which can be set to sticky mode so that it will always be visible.

We have used workflow tools like SASS & Gulp to automate and speed up the workflow process. To make our code more readable we used BEM (Block Element Modifier) methodology to create extendable and reusable css code.

We have tried to make this theme as bloat free as possible to make sure you dont buy stuff that you actually dont need.

  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Bootstrapped (4+)
  • Bootstrapped extend(custom)
  • jQuery powered
  • Responsive layout
  • Custom build plugins
  • Reusable elements
  • Modular
  • Cross browser support
  • 12 theme’s
  • Build with SASS
  • Build with GULP
  • Different layouts
  • Font Awesome powered
  • Less bloat
  • Free updates
  • Well documented
  • Clean modern design
  • Organized files
  • Clean & commented code
  • CSS in BEM format
  • REM instead of PX(PX can be still used)

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