e-Learning Flutter UI Kit

Author userpic
by ShaheenUddinAhmad
e-Learning Flutter UI Kit Flutter Courses Mobile Templates


e-Learning Flutter UI Kit - 1

Product description

On boarding screen

Login Screen

Create Account

Home Screen with search bar, slider, Categorizes, Top Rankings, Flash Deals, Weekly Deals, Best Selling

Syllabus Course

Trading Course

Best Selling Course

Course Details

Carve Navigation menu

Categories Page

Categories List

Payment Method

Add to Cart

Purchased Course & Payment History

Profile & Edit Profile

Support Page

App Demo

  • App Demo Link

User Login Credential

Email : shaheen.au2@gmail.com

Password :shaheen

Update Log v1.1

Last Update fixed V1.0.1
- Initial Release

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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