Caption On Pic

by gkcrop
Caption On Pic Android  Mobile App template


Caption On Pic- A beautiful way to express your feeling with our Awesome Text effects app on your images. Don’t type boring text on image any more, use our this app to create stunning font effects. Make your image even more appealing by adding Stickers, Caption and Frame to your image.

Key Features

  1. Easy to use interface – vibrant and colorful!
  2. 30 splashy theme templates!
  3. Select a photo from your gallery or take a new one to decorate it with an original message!
  4. Choose font, add text to your pictures!
  5. Frame your life memories with beautiful outlines!
  6. Custom stickers
  7. Custom Caption
  8. Rate Feature on HomeScreen
  9. Ad MOb:Banner & Interstitial ad
  10. Easy Customization
  11. Eclipse project

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