Best Status and Quotes app with Quotes maker and Admob , Applovin ads

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by YMG-Developer


Best Status and Quotes Android app

Best Status and Quotes app is an android application.Quotes App has user-friendly interface with easy to manage. The Quotes App are stored in SQLite Database for easy editing and better performance.


quotes maker

quotes maker

Android Quotes app

quotes maker

quotes app with quotes maker

quotes and shayari app


  • Quotes With Category Wise
  • Latest Quotes
  • 10000+ Status and Quotes
  • 100+ Categories
  • Copy or Share Quote with your friends and on Social Networks
  • Share Image with Quotes
  • Add to Favorite Mode
  • in-app-purchase (Only Extended License user)
  • Latest UI with Material Design
  • Admob with Banner and Interstitial ads Integrated
  • App comply with GDPR
  • Sqlite Database
  • Onesignal Notification
  • Auto Notification
  • All Device Combability
  • Check Network Availability
  • MultiLanguage Supported (if your phone supports particular language)
  • SDK 33 Updated
  • Support android 12-13
  • Android Studio Code


Android Quotes app


Version 2.3 Nov 22 , 2022

=================VERSION 2.3=============
1. Create app from Scratch
2. Update SDK 33
3. Remove Unity ads Network
4. Change UI
5. Added Auto Notification
6. Latest Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 Patch 1 

Version 2.2 Oct 1 , 2021

=================VERSION 2.2=============
1. Added 5 type of Ads Network
2. Update App UI
3. Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Patch 2
4. Added Gradiant Backgrounds
5. Audience Network Open Bidding (AdMob & AppLovin)
6. Migrate jCenter to mavenCentral

Version 2.1 June 23 , 2021

=================VERSION 2.1=============
1. Added Gradiant Backgrounds
2. Update Quotes item Layout
3. Added OneSignal Notification<br />4. Update to API 30<br />5. Support Android 11<br />6. Update Dependency<br /><br />

Version 2.0 Fabruary 8 , 2021

=================VERSION 2.0=============
1. Added Backgrounds Images.
2. Fix Some Bugs.
3. Multi Language Support.
4. Update Documentation.
5. Added Video Tutorials<br />6. Added Native Ads<br /><br />

Version 1.2

=================VERSION 1.1=============
1. Update UI Desing
2. Add Sounds on tap
3. Update Quotes Maker.

Version 1.1

=================VERSION 1.1=============
1. Added Facebook Ads
2. Fix Some Bugs.
3. Update Documentation.
4. Added Quotes Maker

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