Best Shopify Flutter E-commerce Full App - Multikart

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by codecanyon
Best Shopify Flutter E-commerce Full App - Multikart Flutter Shopify Mobile


Best Shopify Flutter E-commerce Full App – Multikart

Multikart Shopify is an eCommerce mobile app with full integration with your existing Shopify website. It offers app developers a fast and expressive way to build native apps on both iOS and Android using a single codebase. This app comes with around 30+ screens and will work on both Android and iOS platforms. Multikart has some additional features like shimmer effect, multi-currency, multi-language, state management using GetX, support Dart extension, RTL and GRAPHQL support. This UI enables you to develop beautiful and feature-rich apps. You can add any part of the code. You like and apply it to your code. Our code is well organized with all folders, file names, class names variables and functions under 70 lines. This code is well named to make it easy to reuse and customize. This app has features like light and dark mode.

Best Shopify Flutter E-commerce Full App - Multikart

Best Shopify Flutter E-commerce Full App - Multikart Best Shopify Flutter E-commerce Full App - Multikart Best Shopify Flutter E-commerce Full App - Multikart Best Shopify Flutter E-commerce Full App - Multikart

Best Shopify Flutter E-commerce Full App - Multikart

Best Shopify Flutter E-commerce Full App - Multikart

Admin Access :

Admin url : Click Me..!

username :

Password : admin@1234


  • Compatible with Shopify
  • Compatible with Graphql
  • Design Create in Getx State Management
  • Light and Dark Mode Theme
  • Cloud Firestore
  • Firebase Push notification
  • Multilangugae
  • Multicurrency
  • RTL Support
  • Shimmer Effect
  • 1000+ Hours Saved
  • Field validation
  • Clean and Simple Code and Well Documented
  • Easy to SetUp
  • Under 100 line code management
  • Customer Support
  • Compatible Flutter 3.7.3

Custom Integrations :

  • 1. Radius Buttons
  • 2. Card
  • 3. Snackbar
  • 4. Progress bar
  • 5. Alert
  • 6. Modal
  • 7. Loader
  • 8. Input Box
  • 9. Pull to Refresh
  • 10. Tabs
  • 11. Country Code Picker

Flutter Widgets :

  • 1. AppBar
  • 2. Bottom Navigation Bar
  • 3. TabBar
  • 4. Custom Buttons
  • 5. PopupMenuButton
  • 6. TextFormFiled
  • 7. Image (assets, placeholder, network, catchedNetwork)
  • 8. ListView
  • 9. Divider
  • 10. ListTile
  • 11. BottomSheet
  • 12. Icons

Demo link :

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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