Aqua UI - Bootstrap HTML Dashboard Template

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by bootstrapdashHQ
Aqua UI - Bootstrap HTML Dashboard Template   Design Dashboard


Aqua UI is a modern admin and dashboard template with a crisp design. It is powered with SASS, CSS3, HTML5, jQuery, and Bootstrap itself. The fully responsive dashboard template is flexible, user-friendly, and supports most modern web browsers.

It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and dozens of third-party libraries integrated for special features. The template also features well-designed ready-to-use widgets and three e-commerce pages – Invoice, Orders, and Pricing Table. The reusability and incredible flexibility of Aqua UI make it ideal for building a wide variety of web and mobile applications.


  • Light and Dark layouts
  • Responsive Design
  • 60+ Useful plug-ins
  • 15+ Sample Pages
  • Simple, modern, and user-friendly design
  • Well-commented and well-documented
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility
  • 15+ Pre-built widgets
  • UI Elements
    • Accordions
    • Buttons
    • Badges
    • Breadcrumbs
    • Dropdowns
    • Modals
    • Progress Bar
    • Pagination
    • Tabs
    • Typography
    • Tooltips
  • Advanced UI elements
    • Dragula
    • Clipboard
    • Context Menu
    • Sliders
    • Carousel
    • Colcade
    • Loaders
  • Form Elements
    • Basic Elements
    • Advanced Elements
    • Validation
    • Wizard
  • Charts
    • ChartJs
    • Morris
    • Flot
    • Google Charts
    • Sparkline js
    • C3 charts
    • Chartists
    • Justgage
  • Editors
    • Text Editors
    • Code Editors
  • Tables
    • Sortable table
    • Data table
    • Basic table
    • Js-grid
  • Popups
  • Notifications
  • Icons
    • Flag icons
    • Mdi icons
    • Font Awesome
    • Simple line icons
    • Themify icons
  • Maps
    • Google Map
    • Vector Map
    • Mapael
  • User Pages
    • Login
    • Login 2
    • Register
    • Register 2
    • Lockscreen
  • Error Pages
    • 500
    • 404
  • General Pages
    • Profile
    • FAQ
    • FAQ 2
    • News Grid
    • Timeline
    • Portfolio
  • E-Commerce
    • Orders
    • Pricing Table
    • Invoice
  • E-mail
  • Calendar
  • To-do List
  • Gallery

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