XControl 1, .Net custom control

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by miky94x


XControl1 is a .Net dll containing 5 new control, every control can be customized in a wide range of option, like color, animation, percentage, image and more

The zip file contains a demo application and the dll file with the precompiled control, ready to add the reference and drag and drop into your application

The dll contains 5 custom control:

  • 1 Button
  • 2 Progressbar
  • 1 Separator
  • 1 Textbox

Every control have custom properties, easy to find because all begin with X

Button properties and feature:

  • XAnimato: if is setted to true the gradient of the button will move
  • XBorder: set the color of the border
  • XColor1: set the color of the first gradient
  • XColor2: set the color of the second gradient
  • XColorHover1: set the color of the first gradient on mouse hover
  • XColorHover2: set the color of the second gradient on mouse hover
  • XColorPressed1: set the color of the first gradient on mouse down
  • XColorPressed2: set the color of the second gradient on mouse down
  • XImage: set the image on the button (reccomended 16×16 dimension)
  • XOverImage: set the image on the button on mouse hover
  • XPressedImage: set the image on the button on mouse down
  • XImagePosition: set the position of the image
  • XTextColor: set the color of the text
  • XTextColorHover: set the color of the text on mouse hover
  • XTextColorPressed: set the color of the text on mouse down

Progressbar and ProgressbarLevel properties and feature:

  • XBackColor: set the color of the background
  • XProgressColor: set the progressbar color
  • XShowBorder: show or no the border
  • XShowProgress: Shot the centered text with the progress in %
  • XTextColor: set the color of the % text
  • The ProgressBarLevel have the ability to change three colour with 3 different %

Separator properties and feature:

  • XColorLine: set the color of the Separator

Textbox properties and feature: Banner (the banner is a text that disappears when you write and is used to indicate the use of the textbox, for example, “enter your name”)

  • XBannerActive: if true the banner is visible
  • XBannerColor: Set the color of the banner text
  • XBannerColorActive: set the color of the banner text when the control is selected
  • XBannerFont: set the font, dimension and option for the banner text
  • XBannerText: set the text of the banner
  • XOnlyNumer: The textbox accept only numers


I Hope you enjoy

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