XChatBot ChatGPT AI GPT4 OpenAI Full Flutter App MultiPayments Admin Panel Admob GetX

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by rully-hasibuan


XChatBot, fun & interactive chat-bot with AI, powered by OpenAI, Flutter App. XChatBot integrated with ChatGPT-4 Ready & DALL·E 2. (Free Integration & Installation)

Update Version v. 1.2.6

Compatible with Flutter v.3.13.5, Dart v.3.1.2, Flutter Source Code Revised, Bonus Webpage Frontend, Improve Performance. Free installation & Integration.

OpenAI Account now is Paid, so you have to upgrade to Paid Account to make it works. Only Paid Account should be eligible to run using their services API. XChatBot is working fine now. Running well both Android & iOS. We can help for installation & integration for Free

DALL·E 2 OpenAI is a new AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language. Also can create original, realistic images and art from a text description. It can combine concepts, attributes, and styles.

Doc Official OpenAI: https://openai.com/
Sign Up OpenAI: https://platform.openai.com/signup
OpenAI Account now is Paid, so you have to upgrade to paid account to make it works

Technology Stack:
1. Fully Integrated with OpenAI Platform
2. ChatGPT-4 & DALL·E 2 OpenAI Implemented
3. 99% Stateless Widget with GetX
4. GetStorage Local Preference Implemented
5. Integrated with Animation & Lottie
6. Compatible with Flutter v.3.7.11, Dart v.2.19.6
7. Modern, Fancy, Lite UI/UX
8. Free Lifetime update version

Demo Youtube Video:

Demo APK Installer:

1. Animation SplashPage with Lottie Gif File
2. Slider Image and swipe to start Button Intro Page
3. 4 Buttons shortcut Beautiful Icon
4. ChatGPT, Question Answer Interactive Page
5. Text-to-Image with DALL·E 2 OpenAI (Image Generator)
6. Single Click Image – Copy, LongPress Image to Share
7. Setting page to Manage Model & Max Token Request
8. About page with Click to Browser Link
9. Free Installation & Support
10. Speech-To-Text Question (Voice Mode)
11. MLKit – OCR Image-To-Text (Scan Mode)
12. TypeWriter Type Answer Added
13. Admob Google Implemented (Monetize Ready)
14. Delete Account Implemented

Min Requirement:
1. Account OpenAI, Sign Up, Get API Key Token, https://platform.openai.com/signup
2. Flutter Framework, https://flutter.dev
3. VSCode Studio, https://code.visualstudio.com/
4. GetX PubDev Plugin Package
5. ChatGPT SDK, https://pub.dev/packages/chat_gpt_sdk
6. Server Hosting Domain with SSL Support
7. PHP, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin with Code Igniter Framework
6. Read documentation carefully

Admin Panel Login:
Link: Simply Admin Panel
Email: demo@gmail.com
Password: demoxchat

Command to Run:
1. Open Project with VS Code
2. Command flutter clean. Flutter pub get
3. Command flutter run to your device / emulator

“We do not offer refund, please check and double cross check all details apps before decided to buy.”

26 Sept, 2023
- Update version v.1.2.6
- Compatible with Flutter v.3.13.5
- Dart version v.3.1.2
- ChatGPT SDK v.2.2.5
- Flutter Source Code Revised
- Documentation Revised
- Improve Performance

26 June, 2023
- Update version v.1.2.5
- Compatible with Flutter v.3.10.5
- Dart version v.3.0.5
- ChatGPT SDK v.2.2.2
- Flutter Source Code Revised
- Documentation Revised
- Improve Performance

06 June, 2023
- Update version v.1.2.3
- Compatible with Flutter v.3.10.3
- Dart version v.3.0.3
- ChatGPT SDK v.2.1.7
- Flutter Source Code Revised
- Documentation Revised
- Improve Performance

17 May, 2023
- Update version v.1.2.2
- Compatible with Flutter v.3.10.0
- Dart version v.3.0.0
- ChatGPT SDK v.2.1.3
- Flutter Source Code Revised
- Documentation Revised
- Improve Performance

23 April, 2023
- Update version v.1.2.1
- GPT-4 Ready 
- ChatGPT SDK v.2.1.2
- Flutter Source Code Revised
- Documentation Revised
- Improve Performance

18 April, 2023
- Update version v.1.2.0
- Compatible with Flutter v.3.7.11, Dart v.2.19.6
- ChatGPT SDK v.2.1.1 
- ImageCrop OCR Ready
- Japanese Translator Ready
- Flutter Source Code Revised
- Documentation Revised
- Improve Performance

02 April, 2023
- Update version v.1.1.7
- Compatible with Flutter v.3.7.8, Dart v.2.19.5
- Re-design homepage
- Add Bottom Navigation
- Add Option Filter Image Generation Page 
- Flutter Source Code Revised
- Documentation Revised
- Improve Performance

07 March, 2023
- Update version v.1.1.0
- ChatGPT 3.5Turbo Implemented
- AppleID SignIn Ready
- Compatible with Flutter v.3.7.6, Dart v.2.19.3 
- Flutter Source Code Revised
- Documentation Revised
- Improve Performance

27 February, 2023
- Update version v.1.0.8
- Add Edit Profile Page, Delete Account
- Uploader Image Profile 
- Flutter Source Code Revised
- Documentation Revised
- Improve Performance

25 February, 2023
- Update version v.1.0.6
- Add More Model Translator Languages
- Indonesia. Malay, Tagalog, Vietnamese
- Flutter Source Code Revised
- Documentation Revised
- Improve Performance

24 February, 2023
- Update version v.1.0.5
- Compatible with Flutter v.3.7.5, Dart v.2.19.2
- Add Class Webview (InApp Website)
- Backend Source Code Revised
- Flutter Source Code Revised
- Documentation Revised
- Improve Performance

18 February, 2023
- Update version v.1.0.1
- Google SignIn Implemented
- Translator Eng-Thai, Thai-Eng, Japanese Ready
- Flutter Source Code Revised
- Documentation Revised
- Improve Performance

15 February, 2023
- Update version v.1.0.0
- Google Pay, Apple Pay Sandbox Ready
- Integrated with pub package pay flutter
- Free Frontend Web Landing Page
- Flutter Source Code Revised
- Documentation Revised
- Improve Performance
- Next update translator multi languages 

13 February, 2023
- Update version v.0.9.9
- Simply Admin Panel Ready (CodeIgniter, PHP, MySQL Database)
- Paypal Payment implemented
- Trial, Limited, Max Membership Ready
- Manageable by Admin Panel
- Google Pay, Apple Pay Coming Soon 
- Backend Integrated (API + Database)
- PHP v.7.4, MySQL Database with CodeIgniter v.4
- Improve Performance

11 February, 2023 (Major Update)
- Update version v.0.9.8
- Compatible with Flutter v.3.7.1, Dart v.2.19.1
- Membership Plan (Trial, Limited, Max)
- Trial Membership Ready
- Limited, Max Coming Soon
- Google Pay, Apple Pay, Paypal Coming Soon 
- Backend Integrated (API + Database)
- PHP v.7.4, MySQL Database with CodeIgniter v.4
- Improve Performance
- Admin Panel Coming Soon

02 February, 2023
- Update version v.0.9.6
- Compatible with Flutter v.3.7.0
- TypeWriter Text Answer Implemented
- Membership Module Template Ready
- Improve Performance

30 January, 2023
- Update version v.0.9.3
- Add MLKit, Image-To-Text (OCR) - ScanMode
- Improve Performance

28 January, 2023
- Update version v.092
- Add Speech To Text Question (Voice)
- Admob Google Implemented
- Improve Performance

27 January, 2023
- First Release V. 0.9.1
- ChatGPT OpenAI Flutter App
- Compatible with Flutter v.3.3.10

Product tags

    • Author support included
    • Lifetime access to product repository
    • Lifetime product updates included
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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