wpDataTables - Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress

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wpDataTables is a powerful responsive Tables, Spreadsheets and Charts Data Manager in a form of a WordPress Plugin.

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wpDataTables - Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress Documentation, examples and Videos on wpDataTables Tables and Charts PluginwpDataTables Free Demo Site wpDataTables Video Intro wpDataTables Highlighted Features wpDataTables is a #1 Tables And Charts Plugin for WordPress Report Builder is a Word DOCX and Excel XLSX generator for WordPress Tons of features in wpDataTables wpDataTables is recommended by top WordPress websites wpDataTables has 99% Customer Satisfaction

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For the people who want to request support: please make sure that you check the FAQ, documentation first. If your question isn’t there feel free to contact our support manager through the support system. We receive a lot of requests nowadays, so we ask you for understanding in case of delayed replies.

MANUAL UPGRADE PROCEDURE (when a new version is released)

  1. Go to your FTP and open WordPress plugins folder.
  2. Delete the old wpDataTables version folder.
  3. Upload the new version of wpDataTables.
  4. Go to WP-admin panel, open Plugins section.
  5. Deactivate wpDataTables, and then activate it again.

Please note that minimum PHP version required is 5.6

What’s new / Changelog

Version 5.3 (Released 24.01.2023.)

New update with some new features, improvements, and bug fixes:
  • Feature: New Highcharts chart types – Funnel and 3D Funnel Chart.
  • Feature: New Chart.js chart types – Stacked Column Chart, Bar Chart and Stacked Bar Chart.
  • Improvement: Option to remove Google Fonts from table for GDPR compliant users.
  • Improvement: Update chart.js libraries.
  • Improvement: Registered more strings for translation.
  • Improvement: Updated back-end images.
  • Improvement: Improve agent parameter in curl calls.
  • Improvement: Added wpdatatables_curl_get_data_complete filter.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with table not displaying zero (0) in table headers.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with reduced row height when displaying empty fields.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with Highcharts tooltip not being displayed properly in Chrome.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with simple table scroll in back-end.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with input filter.
  • Other small bug fixes

Version 5.2 (Released 26.12.2022)

New update with new features and bug fixes:
  • Feature: A new light skin – Raspberry Cream.
  • Feature: Use ‘AND’ logic to narrow down your filtering results instead of the only previously available ‘OR’ logic.
  • BugFix: Fixed file location on table save changes.
  • BugFix: Removed empty space below excel-like tables.
  • Other small bug fixes.

Version 5.1 (Released 09.11.2022)

Update with a couple of new options, improvements, and bug fixes:

  • Feature: Create tables from Excel or CSV file from any URL.
  • Feature: New option: Include table title in exported Excel file and Copy as well.
  • Improvement: Remove unnecessary characters from SQL queries.
  • Improvement: Update libraries (Datatables, Table Tools, moment.js).
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with the new version of Highcharts for axis min and max values.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with editing when responsive mode is used.
  • Other small bug fixes.

Version 5.0 (Released 26.09.2022)

New major update with awesome features, some improvements and bug fixes:

  • Feature: New data source type: Nested JSON.
  • Feature: JSON authentication.
  • Feature: Caching data for non-server-side tables (Excel, CSV, Google sheet, XML, JSON, Nested JSON and PHP array).
  • Feature: Auto update cache for non server-side tables (Excel, CSV, Google sheet, XML, JSON, Nested JSON and PHP array).
  • Feature: Update manual tables: Replace data within an existing table.
  • Feature: Update manual tables: Add data into an existing table.
  • Feature: Update manual tables: Replace the entire table with new data.
  • Improvement: Improved error handling.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with saving CSS rules in a simple table.
  • BugFix: Fixed tab index for Google sheet API in main settings.
  • Other small bug fixes.

Version 4.5 (Released 20.07.2022.)

New update with an amazing feature, some improvements, and bug fixes:
  • Feature: Added single cell shortcode.
  • Improvement: Improved separate connections performance.
  • Improvement: Added Highcharts accessibility module.
  • Improvement: Changed type of mysql_table_name column to TEXT.
  • Improvement: Added a new hooks for PDO dsn and for MySQLi link connection: wpdatatables_filter_pdo_connection_dsn and wpdatatables_filter_mysqli_connection_link
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with Gutenberg and editable tables for media upload.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with date format m/Y and Google sheet.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with fatal error with old versions of Avada theme.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with conditional formatting if cell contains HTML.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with sanitized SQL queries.
  • Other small bug fixes

Version 4.4 (Released 13.06.2022.)

New update with improvements and bug fixes:
  • Feature: Added options for responsive actions – icon, row or cell.
  • Improvement: Compatibility with the latest version of Elementor.
  • Improvement: Improved error handling during activation and deactivation of a license.
  • Improvement: Automatically close the date picker after a date has been chosen.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with Divi editor blocks not working when only one table or chart has been created.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with ’%’ symbol in string cells for separate connection tables.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with foreign keys for PostgreSQL database.
  • Other small bug fixes

Version 4.3 (Released 18.05.2022.)

New update with feature, some improvements and bug fixes:
  • Feature: Added new placeholders VAR4 , VAR5 , VAR6 , VAR7 , VAR8 and VAR9 .
  • Improvement: Average calculation function will not count empty cells anymore.
  • Improvement: Remove unnecessary files from Divi integration.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with conditional formatting on front-end.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with number format in Highcharts tooltips.
  • BugFix: Fixed Fixed issue with position of Clear filters button when are used Edit table buttons.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with Google charts when using Grouping and Follow table filtering options.
  • Other small bug fixes

Version 4.2.1 (Released 06.04.2022.)

New update with bug fixes:
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with conditional formatting for int or float column when responsive is turned on for first column in table.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with loading tables with SQL queries.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with inserting spaces for column prefix and suffix.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with title in filter in widget shown as HTML.
  • Other small bug fixes

Version 4.2 (Released 31.03.2022)

New update with new feature, improvements, and bug fixes:
  • Feature:Added new shortcode parameter for calculation functions to show only value.
  • Improvement:Improved sanitizing user data.
  • BugFix:Fixed issue with merge cells from context menu.
  • BugFix:Fixed issue with showing filters for large tables when Display length is All.
  • BugFix:Fixed issue with conditional formatting for int/float columns.
  • Other small bug fixes

Version 4.1 (Released 16.03.2022)

New update with new feature, improvements, and bug fixes:
  • Feature:Added duplicate edit button
  • Improvement:Removed “Apply and add new” button in the edit modal when “New entry” button is disabled.
  • Improvement:Added new filters for each chart engine render data: wpdatatables_filter_apexcharts_render_data, wpdatatables_filter_google_charts_render_data, wpdatatables_filter_highcharts_render_data and wpdatatables_filter_chartjs_render_data.
  • BugFix:Fixed issue with grid options in Apexcharts.
  • BugFix:Fixed issue with Jet plugins in Elementor widgets.
  • BugFix:Fixed issue with Gutenberg blocks when Avada’s post/page types are disabled.
  • BugFix:Fixed conflict with Amelia widgets in Divi Builder.
  • BugFix:Fixed issue with number of rows in HTML source for server-side tables.
  • BugFix:Fixed issue with conditional formatting for int/float columns when is used “Set cell content”.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.9.2 approved.
  • Other small bug fixes

Version 4.0.1 (Released 11.02.2022)

A minor update with a bugfix:
  • Bugfix: Resolved the conflict with Elementor plugin.

Version 4.0 (Released 10.02.2022)

Major update with one large feature, couple of new ones, several bug fixes and stability improvements:
  • Feature: Added new chart engine – ApexCharts with 20 new chart types and more new options.
  • Feature: Added features to create Synchronized charts with ApexCharts engine.
  • Feature: Added integration with Avada Website builder.
  • Feature: Added integration with DIVI Website builder.
  • Improvement: Added export file name parameter in module for WPBakery page builder
  • Improvement: Replaced deprecated methods for Elementor integration
  • Improvement: Increased table, columns, and charts id’s in database structure from int(11) to bigint(20)
  • Bugfix: Fixed enqueue minify version wpdatatables-bootstrap.min.css
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with foreign keys and non-serverside table
  • Bugfix: Fixed conditional formatting for int and float columns with empty values
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with conditional formatting and “Add column class” option
  • Bugfix: Fixed notice when WP CLI is used
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with multiple radial pie highcharts on the page
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with a large number of predefined values
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.9 approved.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 3.7.1(Released 16.12.2021)

A minor update with bug fixes.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with showing tables from Google spreadsheet.

Version 3.7 (Released 15.12.2021)

Major update with couple of new feature, several bug fixes and stability improvements:
  • Feature: Added new options for link columns in datatables (noreferrer and sponsored attributes)
  • Feature: Added new options for link editor in simple table (noreferrer and sponsored attributes)
  • Feature: Added clear button in color-picker in simple table.
  • Improvement: Added pagination above the table on browse page for tables and charts.
  • Improvement: Updating table from Google spreadsheet with standard method (no more cache issues)
  • Improvement: Add new pre-formatted hooks for all column types in datatables: wpdatatables_filter_date_cell_before_formatting, wpdatatables_filter_time_cell_before_formatting, wpdatatables_filter_datetime_cell_before_formatting, wpdatatables_filter_link_cell_before_formatting, wpdatatables_filter_email_cell_before_formatting, wpdatatables_filter_string_cell_before_formatting, wpdatatables_filter_int_cell_before_formatting, wpdatatables_filter_float_cell_before_formatting and wpdatatables_filter_image_cell_before_formatting.
  • Improvement: Add new hooks for filtering and editing definition: wpdatatables_filter_js_editing_definition, wpdatatables_filter_js_editing_definition_values, wpdatatables_filter_js_filtering_definition and wpdatatables_filter_js_filtering_definition_values
  • Bugfix: Fixed notice for deprecated hook in Gutenberg.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with browsing tables and charts with search term.
  • Bugfix: Fixed resetting CSS rule for background and text color in simple table editor.
  • Bugfix: Fixed double notification for time and datetime columns after inline editing
  • Bugfix: Fixed datepicker position for inline editing.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with new hooks in wpDataCharts.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue bubble chart and follow table filtering.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with separate MySQL connection.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with datepicker on Excel like table.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with line and area chart in Chartjs engine on same page.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 3.6 (Released 15.09.2021.)

Major update with couple of feature, bug fixes and stability improvements:
  • Feature: Added new option to show/hide search field in select-box/multiselect-box filters.
  • Feature: Added new option to show/hide search field in Single-value select-box/Multi-value select-box in edit modal.
  • Feature: Added new options for the simple table: “Remove borders”, “Border collapse” and “Border spacing”.
  • Feature: Added new option “Page Orientation” for PDF export reports.
  • Feature: Added new option “Paper Size” for PDF export reports.
  • Improvement: Improved checking for existing PHP extension – zlib on the server.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with double loading for multiselect filter.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.8.1 approved.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements

Version 3.5 (20.07.2021.)

A major update with a couple of new features, bug fixes, and stability improvements:
  • Feature: Exporting the chart data to CSV, XLS or HTML table formats in Highcharts.
  • Feature: Added Font and Font size options in simple table.
  • Feature: Added new option for showing HTML code in exported files like Print, Copy, CSV and Excel.
  • Improvement: Removed view of purchase code on Activation page.
  • Improvement: Updated moment.js library.
  • BugFix: Fixed layout of select-box field in edit modal.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with vertical min value in Chartjs.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with attachment field in edit modal.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with rendering charts for lower versions of jQuery.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 3.4.4 (Released 15.06.2021.)

A minor update with a introducing of NEW FREE add-on, couple of bug fixes and stability improvements:
  • New FREE addon: “wpDataTables integration for Forminator Forms” available. A tool that adds “Forminator Form” as a new table type and allows you to create wpDataTables from Forminator Forms submissions. More on this link.
  • Improvement: Added new hooks wpdatatables_excel_before_frontend_edit_row, wpdatatables_filter_int_cell_data_in_charts, wpdatatables_filter_float_cell_data_in_charts and wpdatatables_filter_total_length_query.
  • BugFix: Fixed layout of date, datetime and timepicker for different skins.
  • BugFix: Fixed layout of copy to clipboard element.
  • BugFix: Fixed layout of edit popover in Material skin.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with Number range slider filter when min and max values are the same.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with translate “nothingSelected” string in select-boxes(in filters and edit modal).
  • BugFix: Fixed layout of date, datetime and time picker in filters in header and footer when option Scrollable is used.
  • BugFix: Fixed layout of table when Number range slider filter is in footer of the table and Scrollable option is used.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with select-box, multi select-box and date/time picker overlapping in edit modal when HTML editor is used.
  • BugFix: Fixed CSS issue in simple tables on mobile devices.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with changing colors in charts.
  • BugFix: Fixed conflict on back-end with Gravity forms tooltips if Gravity integration add-on is not installed.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with rendering link column in Highcharts.
  • BugFix: Removed deprecated function from style_block.inc.php file.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.7.2 approved.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 3.4.3 (Released 22.04.2021)

A minor update with a couple of bug fixes, and stability improvements:
  • Improvement: Added warning message on system info when LibXML version is lower than 2.7.7.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with showing simple editor on Safari browser.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with welcome page on bulk plugin activation.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with button strings in edit modal for different skins.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with strings in loops (conflict with other plugins).
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with color-picker visibility in column color option on small screens.
  • BugFix: Fixed error message on welcome page.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with showing quotes in charts.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with showing all data in table when placeholders are empty and set as predefined filter value.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with conditional formatting for URL columns.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with saving data in Excel-like table with separate connection.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with translating strings in add-ons.
  • BugFix:Fixed issue with showing charts when Follow table filtering option is used.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.7.1 approved.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 3.4.2 (Released 10.03.2021)

A minor update with a couple of new features, improvements, and bug fixes:
  • Feature: Added code option in TinyMCE editor for editing.
  • Feature: Added new date format.
  • Improvement: Added auto-save functionality after inserting media in the Simple tables.
  • Improvement: Added translate functions on several strings.
  • Improvement: Added new hooks for enqueuing scripts in the admin area, filters for elementor widgets, table init data and disable_limit parameter.
  • Improvement: Improved error handlers.
  • Added German translation
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with vulnerability for server-side tables.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with vulnerability when option “Users can see and edit own data” is used for tables.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with the font in material skin and background in graphite skin
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with saving NULL values in the database for empty string columns after save/edit.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with class name in Global font color settings.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with charts when option “Follow table filtering” is used.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with wpDataCharts callbacks.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with setCellContent in Conditional formatting and Responsive collapse button.
  • Bugfix: Fixed notice for Highcharts.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with duplicating server-side tables.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with CSS in Columns visibility option for all new skins.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with rendering some date formats for non-server-side tables.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with English translation files in Loco translate.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue when users turn off server-side option when table has a large number of rows.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with Fatal errors if allow_url_fopen is turned off on server.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with loading simple table preview after clicking on back button in browser from some pages.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with inserting “px” in column width option.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with showing CSS code in one line after save on Custom CSS filed in table settings
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.7 approved.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 3.4.1 (Released 02.02.2021)

A minor update with a couple of bug fixes and stability improvements:
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with Edit buttons disappearing
  • Bugfix: Fixed vulnerability issue with order direction for server-side tables
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with position of preloader icon on graphite skin
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 3.4 (Released 01.02.2021)

A major update with a couple of new features, bug fixes and stability improvements:
  • Feature: Customize options for each table like language, skin, font, colors, and much more.
  • Feature: New option to choose which Edit buttons will be visible on the front-end table (New, Edit, Delete).
  • Feature: New option “Make NOFOLLOW link” in the link editor in a simple table and in link columns for data tables
  • Feature: New option to set column data to be enabled/disabled in global Search results
  • Improvement: Added link for Google Sheet API
  • Improvement: Added code highlighter for fields where is used custom code(Custom JS, Custom CSS, SQL editor)
  • Improvement: Allowed subqueries inside bracket expressions in PHP SQL parser
  • Improvement: Allowed pre tags in HTML editor
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with errors when the table is created over Google Sheet API
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with not rendering charts under the table when Follow table filtering is enabled
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with Fatal error on Dashboard page when PHP DOM and PHP XML are not installed on the server
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with pre-defined values when “Apply and Add New” button is used in edit modal.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with switching tabs in the backend
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with tooltip when is loaded jQuery UI in the backend
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with not rendering table data with serverside tables
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with searching when Foreign keys are used
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with not showing Show entries selectbox
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with the position of popover edit modals on Mozilla Firefox browser
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with saving page in Divi builder with the simple table shortcode
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with showing search in the selectbox filter when the number of possible values is set to ALL
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with not showing icons in popover edit buttons for Graphite and Lite skin with Avada theme
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 3.3 (Released 22.12.2020)

A major update with a couple of features and bug fixes:
  • Feature: Added option to connect Google Spreadsheets tables with Google Spreadsheet API
  • Feature: Implemented instant synchronization in wpDataTables after changes in Google sheets.
  • Feature: Added option for creating tables from Private Google Spreadsheets.
  • Feature: New option to set tables sorting order on browse pages.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.6 approved.
  • Compatibility with PHP 8 approved.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 3.2 (Released 09.11.2020)

A major update with a couple of new features, bug fixes and stability improvements:
  • Feature: Elementor integration – Added Elementor Blocks for tables and charts.
  • Feature: A new option to hide the pagination for each table.
  • Feature: A new option to set the pagination position for each table (right, center and left).
  • Feature: A new option to set the pagination layout for each table (Six different layouts).
  • Improvement: Reduced the number of AJAX calls triggered for the ‘input’ filter.
  • BugFix: Fixed the issue with options resetting for the ‘remove borders’ option.
  • BugFix: Fixed the issue with showing the tables in the Internet Explorer browser..
  • BugFix: Removed the wpdt-c class from the admin area on the admin pages not related to wpDataTables.
  • BugFix: Corrected the folder name for Slovenian language.
  • BugFix: Fixed the cards height in the manual constructor after the import, in case there are date columns.
  • BugFix: Fixed the notice in the column settings for the Conditional formatting with the color setter.
  • BugFix: Fixed the issue with hiding the plugins’ message modals in admin area.
  • BugFix: Fixed the issue with the predefined filters and the pre-filter URL for the input filter.
  • BugFix: Fixed the issue for Simple tables on the servers that use MyISAM engine.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 3.1.1 (Released 16.10.2020)

A minor stability update including some patches for the PHP version issue.

Version 3.1 (Released 14.10.2020)

A major update with a new table type, and a couple of bug fixes and stability improvements:
  • Feature: New table type – Create a simple table with any data, merged cells, styling, star rating, and a lot more.
  • Feature: Added Slovenian translation.
  • Improvement: Updated the French translation.
  • Improvement: Added a new color picker.
  • Fixed the issue with multiple Excel-like tables on the front-end.
  • Fixed the issue with the minus sign in the number inputs.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 3.0.4 (Released 08.09.2020)

A minor stability update including some patches for creating tables.

Version 3.0.3 (Released 12.08.2020)

A regular update including some stability improvements and bugfixes.
  • Fixed the issue with the slow backend.
  • Fixed the issue with the checkbox labels in modal.
  • Fixed the issue with the filters and “clear” button in Firefox.
  • Fixed the issue with the preloader after saving global plugin settings.
  • Fixed the ”$ is not a function in columnFilter.js” error.
  • Fixed the issue with the selected value in select-box, after clicking on the “clear” button.
  • Fixed the issue with custom settings of decimal and thousand separators on page with function Highcharts.setOptions.
  • Fixed the issue with CURRENT_POST_ID placeholder.
  • Fixed the issue with creating Formidable and Gravity tables.

Version 3.0.2 (Released 11.08.2020)

A minor stability update including some patches for compatibility with WordPress version 5.5.

Version 3.0.1 (Released 30.06.2020)

A minor stability update including some patches for showing charts.

Version 3.0 (Released 29.06.2020)

A major update with refreshed back-end, couple of new options and several bug fixes and stability improvements.
  • Design: New fresh admin UI.
  • New page: New Dashboard page with lots of useful information and guides.
  • New page: New detailed System Info page which simplifies resolving external conflicts.
  • Feature: New Popup First-launch Guide with feature explanations for new users.
  • Feature: New options like Feature suggestion, Subscription and lot more.
  • Feature: Added new hook to filter URL of PHP array tables (wpdatatables_filter_url_php_array($url, $tableID)).
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with creating tables from Google spreadsheet.
  • Bugfix: Fixed pagination layout for the new skins.
  • Bugfix: Fixed JS error that appeared when connection in table wizard was changed on dropdown change on connection in table wizard.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with removing All SQL columns and All post properties field when tables are removed from Selected SQL tables or Selected post types.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with Excel like editing and separate connection.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with not showing details in tab for separate connection.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with customJS field with HTML entities.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with predefined edit value for multiselect.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with loading Report Builder edit modal and download button.
  • Bugfix: Fixed conflict with checkbox modal and regular checkbox in filters.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with inline editing date column and two ajax calls.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with masterdetail column type.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with current post id placeholder.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with showing decimals in charts tooltip.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with Gutenberg hooks.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with sum shortcodes and server-side tables.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.4.2 confirmed.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 2.8.3 (Released 26.03.2020)

A regular update including some stability improvements and bugfixes.
  • BugFix: Fixed an issue with showing multiple tables on the page.
  • BugFix: Fixed editing and deleting rows in the case when there’re several editable tables on the same page.
  • BugFix: Fixed showing rows after Next and Prev in edit modal.
  • BugFix: Fixed number range slider in the SQL-based tables that contain placeholders.
  • BugFix: Fixed sorting for SQL-based tables using the foreign key feature that contain placeholders.

Version 2.8.2 (Released 19.03.2020)

A minor update with several new features, bug fixes and stability improvements:
  • Feature: Added CURRENT_USER_EMAIL placeholder.
  • Feature: Added support for iframe (HTML tag) in the table cells.
  • Feature: Added a hook for dynamic placehodlers update.
  • Feature: New Russian translation.
  • Feature: Updated Franch translation.
  • BugFix: Fixed issues with license deactivation in the main plugin, and in all add-ons.
  • BugFix: Minor security fixes for server side tables.
  • BugFix: Fixed the issue with duplicating Gravity tables where the server side processing is enabled.
  • BugFix: Fixed the issue with showing/hiding Editing views.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with the CURRENT_USER_LOGIN placeholder.
  • BugFix: Fixed PHP notices for the tables created with Gravity forms.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

NOTE: New versions of all add-ons require the latest version of wpdatatables (version 2.8.2)!

Version 2.8.1 (Released 19.12.2019)

A minor update with a couple of small bugfixes:
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with sum, min and max column for non-server side tables.
  • BugFix: Fixed conflict with WooCommerce product page and Gutenberg.
  • BugFix: Fixed warnings for PHPSpreadsheet lib.
  • Resolved minor security issues.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 2.8 (Released 28.11.2019)

A major update with one new addon, and a couple of bug fixes and stability improvements:
  • New addon “Master-Detail Tables” available. The Master-Details Tables addon for wpDataTables allows showing additional details for a specific row in a popup or a separate page or post./li>
  • BugFix: Plugin and all addons are now compatible with jQuery 3.x.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with chart JS Linechart handling negative values.
  • BugFix: Fixed PHP notice for update of plugin and all addons.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.3 confirmed.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 2.7.2 (Released 04.10.2019)

A minor update with one feature and a couple of bug fixes:
  • Feature: Advanced HTML Editor – Added new options: Underline, Strikethrough, Subscript, Supscript, Bullet and Numbered List, Blockquote, Horizontal line, Fullscreen, Insert/Edit link, Remove link, Insert/Edit image, Text color, Text background color and Clear formatting.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with showing checkbox modal.
  • BugFix: Fixed notice for option showAllRows.
  • BugFix: Fixed calculation functions SUM, AVG, MIN and MAX for tables created with Postgre SQL connection.

Version 2.7.1 (Released 26.09.2019)

A minor update with one bug fix and updated library:
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with auto-update.
  • Updated DataTables library to 1.10.19 version

Version 2.7 (Released 25.09.2019)

A major update with a couple of new features, bug fixes and stability improvements:
  • Feature: Added option for showing the table with data of all users on back-end when ‘User can see and edit only their own data’ option is enabled.
  • Feature: New date formats.
  • Feature: New placeholders for SQL query (CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE_TIME, and CURRENT_TIME).
  • Feature: Enabled placeholders for edit and filtering of manual tables and for filtering of other table types (please note that these placeholders are not enabled for tables created with Gravity and Formidable form integration addons).
  • Feature: Added Dropdown for choosing SQL driver in separate SQL connection.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with filtering and functions with separate database connection.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with Number range slider in tables created from separate database connection.
Please note: If you have used MSSQL separate connection before this update you will have to select the driver that is installed on your server (by default dblib driver is selected).

Version 2.6.1 (Released 26.07.2019)

A minor update with a couple of bugfixes and stability improvements:
  • Feature: Full french translation added.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 2.6 (Released 25.07.2019)

A minor update with a couple of small features and stability improvements:
  • Feature: New types of HighCharts: Polar and Spiderweb chart,
  • Feature: New types of Google charts: Candlestick and Waterfall chart,
  • BugFix: Fixed the issue with PHP 7.3 version,
  • BugFix: Fixed the issue with float and integer empty values with separate connection,
  • BugFix: Fixed the conflict with the Avada theme, Fusion builder and Gutenberg blocks,
  • BugFix: Fixed the issue with Excel-like tables and Gutenberg,
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 2.5.2 (released 21.05.2019)

A minor release with a couple of improvements.

  • Feature: Added Gutenberg block – the plugin is now Gutenberg optimized.
  • Feature: Added option to choose whether you want to keep the tables after deleting the plugin from the Plugins page (by default the tables will be saved in database after deleting the plugin).
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with creating Queries that occurred after the last update.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with saving data in database with integer and float empty values.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with creating tables from Gravity forms for the first time.
  • Some hardcoded strings for attachment column now can be translated.
  • Small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 2.5.1 (released 15.04.2019)

A minor release with a couple of improvements.

  • Feature: New auto-update and plugin activation system. Make sure to re-acivate your purchase once again to make it work.
  • Small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 2.5 (released 06.03.2019)

A major release with a couple of new features and stability improvements.

  • Feature: Number range slider – now it is possible to use the number range slider for filtering float and integers columns.
  • Feature: new “Purple” skin.
  • Feature: new “Dark” skin.
  • Feature: Google Stacked Bar chart.
  • Feature: Possible values in edit modal for the foreign key column – Added checkbox option where you will be able to choose possible values for the current user or all possible values from a foreign key table.
  • BugFix: Foreign key for non-server side Gravity tables enabled.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with applying font and color settings in the new skin.
  • Small bug fixes and stability improvements.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.1 confirmed.
Please note: If you update the wpDataTables to version 2.5, please update the Gravity Forms Integration addon to the latest version as well.

Version 2.4 (released 12.11.2018)

A major release with a couple of new features and stability improvements.

  • Feature: New “Aqua” skin.
  • Feature: On/Off advanced filtering, sorting and editing option in the column list.
  • Feature: New date format Y.m.d in Date format options.
  • BugFix: Problem with integers in Scatter plot chart Highcharts resolved.
  • Small bug fixes and stability improvements.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.0 confirmed.

Version 2.3.2 (released 07.11.2018)

A minor update with a couple of features, bug fixes and stability improvements.

  • Feature: Support for new date formats: Y-m-d, Y/m/d, m/Y, M Y, Y
  • BugFix: Filtering trough URL for the first column.
  • Small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 2.3.1 (released 23.10.2018)

Please note: as of 2.3 version, the minimum required PHP version is 5.6!

A minor update with a couple of features, bug fixes and stability improvements.

  • Feature: New placeholders for CURRENT_USER_FIRST_NAME and CURRENT_USER_LAST_NAME
  • Feature: French translation.
  • BugFix: Minimum PHP version check – plugin will show a warning and won’t activate if you’re running an outdated PHP version.
  • Small bug fixes and stability improvements.

For more info on what’s new and complete changelog you can see this page.

Update procedure: Disable plugin, overwrite with files from the new package, enable plugin again. This is necessary since the database structure has to be updated on reactivation.

Video tutorials


wpDataTables 1.6 is a mighty data manager in a form of a WordPress plugin. It helps you to create dynamic responsive tables, charts in your WordPress site edit and allow your front-end users to edit data in them. See the video features overview or the text features overview if you’re interested.


A short list of wpDataTables features:
  • Cute interactive multi-functional front-end jQuery tables with filtering, sorting and pagination features rendered by DataTables library. You can manipulate all features easily from the WordPress administrator panel.
  • Server-side processing for MySQL-based tables.
  • Charts based on Google Chart and Highcharts libraries. Easily render charts from the
    same dataset as your table. Charts can be updated in realtime together with the table, as you filter the data set.
  • Front-end editing for MySQL-based tables.
  • Table constructor which allows to create the tables from back-end.
  • MySQL query generator. Builds all the “SELECT FROM, JOIN, WHERE, GROUP” for you – just click the correct buttons!
  • WordPress DB query generator.
  • Allows to prepare an editable table out of your Excel or CSV
  • Responsive mode for any tables.
  • Advanced front-end table features: print view, save to PDF, save to CSV, save to Excel, Copy to clipboard by TableTools extensions.
  • Row grouping based on RowGrouping extension. If a lot of rows have same values of some column you can group them based on the value of this column. The sorting will be performed inside of these groups.
  • Accepted data sources: PHP serialized arrays, Google Spreadsheets, MySQL queries, MS Excel XLS and XLSX, OpenOffice Calc ODT, CSV files, JSON objects, XML data source.
  • Tweakable columns with different column types – strings, integers, floats, links, dates, images.

Video Tutorials on wpDataTables Table Plugin

There’s a video course of around 40 short tutorials filmed on wpDataTable. Check it out on our site!

Documentation and examples

Check out the documentation and live examples before you purchase on our demo site.

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