Word Search Puzzle

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by trimax
Word Search Puzzle Android Game Mobile App template


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Update May 27, 2018: Added EU GDPR consent dialog.

  • 3 Admob types: banner, interstitial and rewarded video.
  • Provides hints and extra time by rewarded video to increase revenue.
  • 9 different difficulty modes.
  • 21 languages.
  • Day and night modes.
  • Optimized for all device sizes.
  • Sound effects and animations.
  • Flexible configuration to enable/disable banner/interstitial ads. You can easily configure the number of default hints and the number of hints to reward after watching a video.
  • Help, language, word layout, Rate the app and etc. dialogs to enhance user experience.
  • Meets the requirements of the European Union PDPR privacy requirements by asking user consent about personalized ads.

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    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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