WooCommerce Attach Me!

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by vanquish
WooCommerce Attach Me!


WooCommerce: Attach Me! is a woocommerce plugin that allows Shop Managers to attach any kind of file to your clients’ orders. Attach Images, documents, videos, proofs… no limits!
Furthermore, the Shop Managers can also:
  1. attach files to products (like manuals, documents, etc.): these files are automatically available to download in the product pages and/or on order details page after the customers have purchased them (and optionally visible only if the order has reached a specific status)! You can also specify an Expiring time (only for order attachments)!
  2. create automatic email attachments: sent when a specific order status email is sent by WooCommerce


user: demo
pass: demo



How to automatically update the plugin

To receive automatic updates just install and configure the Envato updater plugin: .The official guide that explains how to configure it can be found in the following link: .


Shop Managers will be able to upload one or more files directly from the “edit order” page.
WCAM adds an “Attachment box” for every order where the Shop Manager can add as many files as he wishes! Every attachment can be visible only for specific order statuses!

Thanks to the new Quick management feature, you can now add/delete attachments directly from the orders list page!


The shop admin can also attach files to products (directly from their edit pages) that are automatically available to download on the product page and/or on the order details page after an order has been placed. These attachments can also be available only if the order reaches a specific status(es) or if the current user has specific user roles.
Furthermore, for every order attachment, the shop admin can set an expiring time (specific date or set a time span after the order has been placed during which is possible the download). Optionally, order attachments can use a masked URL that allows the system to check if the request belongs to an authorized user.
This kind of attachment is useful to attach manuals, pdf, or other media files. Optionally files can be sent automatically via email.

The shop admin now can also use the new Bulk products attachments tools to bulk assign attachments to products (directly selecting them or using categories). Shop admin can notify the customer whenever a file is attached to the order and link it directly in the body message.
Optionally can also send all the uploads directly via email as attachments. Furthermore, you can embed also preset text previously saved!


Order attachments can be optionally embedded to Processing, Completed, or Customer Invoice emails!


Order attachments can optionally be downloaded only if the user has accepted a disclaimer (secure links option must be enabled). WCAM creates secure download links for every product and order attachments. In this way, only the order owner or who bought the product can access its attachments! Furthermore, for order attachments, the “Secure download” option can be enabled/disabled as whish.

NOTE: option unavailable for external URLs file attachments


For both product and order attachments, you can set an expiring date or time amount (after the order date) at which the attachment will expire and no longer available to download!


Every customer can download his order attachments simply by opening the “My Account” -> “View Order” page. On this page, the plugin adds a new area called “Attachments” where he will find all the files attached by the Shop Manager for that order.


With the WCAM plugin, you can also create the “automatic email attachments”. Using the special configurator, you can attach the same file the account, new order, processing order, complete order, and invoice emails!


Optionally order and products attachments can be listed and downlaoded directly in the My Account -> Downloads tab. To do that just enable the special option in the General otpions & text -> My Account – Downloads section.

Are you using the WooCommerce Sequential Order Number Pro? use the following Add-on to display the custom id in the Download table.


Shop admin can customize the HTML snippet used in the Order Details page by copying the /woocommerce-attach-me/templates/view_order_template.php file to {your theme folder}/wcam/view_order_template.php and customize as wished!

Don’t you want to mess with templates or files? No problem! you can customize text directly using the WooCommerce Attach Me! menu option!


Is possible to enable “Image preview” option by which if an attachment image is detected, will be displayed as a thumb. Thumb size is customizable too (by default is used the default WordPress “Settings” -> “Media” -> “Thumb size” option)

Furthermore, previews can be displayed using a lightbox!


For every order attachment, the shop manager can enable “customer feedback”, “customer approval” and the selective “required feedback” option. This option will make the feedback field required only if a specific approval value has been selected.
The admin can also enable an option to receive an email notification whenever a user approves/gives feedback to an attachment and to notify the customer whenever a file is attached to the order.

NOTE: Some servers have restrictions preventing wp_email() to send attachments bigger than 5MB. If you are experiencing this kind of problem, you can simply install any SMTP emailer plugin. This kind of plugins will let you use any external email services (like Gmail, Outlook, any SMTP server) to send emails.

NEW If you need a more specific File Approval system, give a try to my new plugin: WooCommerce File Approval


using the special [wcam_last_order_attachments] is now possible to display the last order attachments for the currently logged user!


On Order deletion, every attachment is deleted too.


Bulk products attachments email description and product attachments description texts are not translatable. Product attachments have to be created for each product translation.


TinyMCE Advanced plugin is incompatible with the WCAM plugin. It prevents the advanced textarea added by WCAM on the order page to properly work. So if you are using it and you decide to buy the plugin, please disable it to properly use the WCAM plugin.


Directly from order list you can easily track how many attachments exists for orders and buk delete them! WCAM





My Account – Downloads tab

Optionally attachments can be listed in the My Account -> Downloads tab WCAM


On order details, the page will be shown a section containing the product downloadable files for the purchased products. Section title can be changed using the “General Settings” menu. WCAM


= 23.8 - 20.02.23 =
* Fixed an issue due to in the bulk actions selector (order details page) the "delete attachments" text wasn't properly displayed

= 23.7 - 16.02.23 =
* Minor improvements

= 23.6 - 15.02.23 =
* Added a new option to use external links for product attachments

= 23.5 - 19.12.22 =
* Minor bugfix

= 23.4 - 12.12.22 =
* Improved support for WooCommerce Order Approval

= 23.3 - 09.11.22 =
* Typo

= 23.2 - 31.08.22 =
* Minor bugfix

= 23.1 - 28.08.22 =
* Minor bugfix

= 23.0 - 15.07.22 =
* Fixed an issue that in some scenarios prevented the file attachments to be properly displayed on the product page

= 22.9 - 08.04.22 =
* Added option to attach order files to the Refunded notification email

= 22.8 - 20.02.22 =
* Added option to customize attachments title on the downloads table 
* Added option to prevent attachments to be displayed on the downloads table

= 22.7 - 15.02.22 =
* Typo

= 22.6 - 14.02.22 =
* Notification email now allows selecting just added Attachments

= 22.5 - 07.02.22 =
* Improved options page UI

= 22.4 - 01.02.22 =
* Bugfix

= 22.3 - 01.02.22 =
* Added the new "Quick management" feature. You can now manage attachments directly from the order lists page

= 22.2 - 14.01.22 =
* Minor bugfix

= 22.1 - 21.12.21 =
* Fixed an issue related to the default subject

= 22.0 - 21.12.21 =
* Improved user email notification management

= 21.9 - 21.12.21 =
* Is now possible to set a preset subject for manual user notification 
* Is now possible to set a preset body for manual user notification 
* Is now possible to enable an option that prevents manual user notification to be sent without attachments
* Is now possible to automatically pre-select all the available attachments to be used for manual user notification 
* Is now possible to set multiple recipients for user manual notifications

= 21.8 - 13.12.21 =
* Minor improvements

= 21.7 - 9.12.21 =
* Fixed an issue related to the expiration management    
* Fixed HTML embedded in the order notes

= 21.6 - 10.11.21 =
* Minor bugfix

= 21.5 - 11.10.21 =
* Minor bugfix

= 21.4 - 06.08.21 =
* Minor bugfix

= 21.3 - 04.08.21 =
* Minor bugfix

= 21.2 - 17.07.21 =
* Fixed an issue that prevented the " Send a notification email to the customer?" option to properly work

= 21.1 - 16.07.21 =
* Bug fix

= 21.0 - 15.07.21 =
* Email template text can now be translate via the options menu

= 20.9 - 09.07.21 =
* Added option to show approval date on the orders list page

= 20.8 - 01.07.21 =
* Minor improvements

= 20.7 - 29.06.21 =
* The approval date is now displayed also on the frontend

= 20.6 - 24.06.21 =
* Added approval date
* Fixed an issue related to the date time picker

= 20.5 - 03.06.21 =
* Minor improvements

= 20.4 - 02.06.21 =
* Typo

= 20.3 - 02.06.21 =
* Added new option to automatically delete expired attachments

= 20.2 - 30.05.21 =
* Code redesign

= 20.1 - 21.05.21 =
* Bugfix

= 20.0 - 09.03.21 =
* Improved the [wcam_order_page_link] shortcode management. It now generates a link also for guest customers

= 19.9 - 16.01.21 =
* Minor improvement

= 19.8 - 13.01.21 =
* Fixed an issue with WooCommerce 4.9

= 19.7 - 09.01.21 =
* Improved disclaimer management

= 19.6 - 09.01.21 =
* Fixed an issue related to the lightbox

= 19.5 - 09.01.21 =
* Minor bugfix

= 19.4 - 08.01.21 =
* Fixed an issue related to the templates and the usage of child themes

= 19.3 - 06.01.21 =
* Improved stability

= 19.2 - 10.12.20 =
* Minor improvements to the product bulk attachments

= 19.1 - 29.11.20 =
* Internal libraries update

= 19.0 - 12.10.20 =
* Fixed an issue that prevented files to be attached to custom notification emails

= 18.9 - 01.09.20 =
* Minor UI improvement

= 18.8 - 25.08.20 =
* Fixed a visual issue in the download table

= 18.7 - 25.08.20 =
* Added option to hide the "Approval required" column on the Download page

= 18.6 - 18.08.20 =
* Internal library update

= 18.5 - 17.08.20 =
* Minor bugfix

= 18.4 - 14.08.20 =
* Fixed an issue related to WordPress 5.5 and jQuery

= 18.3 - 09.08.20 =
* Added option to prevent feedback modification after submit

= 18.2 - 25.05.20 =
* Improved attachment management

= 18.1 - 07.05.20 =
* Added new option to customize approval / feedback admin email notification recipient

= 18.0 - 19.02.20 =
* Added option to hide "Attachment" button from actions column on the My Account -> Order list page

= 17.9 - 12.01.20 =
* Fixed an issue due to products attachments were not properly displayed

= 17.8 - 10.01.20 =
* Fixed an issue due to products attachments were not displayed on WPML translated product

= 17.7 - 27.11.19 =
* Minor CSS improvement
* Internal libraries updated

= 17.6 - 15.10.19 =
* Fixed a minor issue related to the email embedding feature

= 17.5 - 03.10.19 =
* Fixed an issue that may prevent files to be properly attached to emails

= 17.4 - 24.08.19 =
* Fixed a minor issue

= 17.3 - 18.08.19 =
* Fixed an issue related to the Download page and visibility by order status attachments

= 17.2 - 20.07.19 =
* Fixed an issue related to email file attachment and WooCommerce Admin plugin

= 17.1 - 21.06.19 =
* Internal libraries update

= 17.0 - 28.05.19 =
* Attachment folder name will now use the order id eventually altered by 3rd party plugin

= 16.9 - 04.05.19 =
* Minor bugfix

= 16.8 - 24.04.19 =
* Improved order id management for internal usage

= 16.7 - 23.04.19 =
* Improved order id management for internal usage

= 16.6 - 13.04.19 =
* Minor bugfix

= 16.5 - 13.04.19 =
* Added option to not show attachments on thank you page

= 16.4 - 13.04.19 =
* Minor UI improvement

= 16.3 - 12.04.19 =
* On the product attachment menu, the variant name is now displayed (instead of showing just the id)

= 16.2 - 27.03.19 =
* Fixed an issue realted to the [wcam_download_link] shortcode 
* Billing and shipping info can be now embedded into notification emails using the special [billing_{field_name}] and [shipping_{field_name}] shortcodes

= 16.1 - 21.03.19 =
* Minor UI improvement on Emails
* Fixed an issue related to product attachment restriction via roles

= 16.0 - 18.03.19 =
* Minor bugfix

= 15.9 - 18.02.19 =
* Added option to include product attachments description into notification emails

= 15.8 - 23.01.19 =
* Fixed an issue due to some warning was showed on order attachments metabox

= 15.7 - 09.01.19 =
* Fixed an issue due to some file format on some installation were not permitted

= 15.6 - 22.12.18 =
* In case of order file upload fail, it will now show an error message

= 15.5 - 17.12.18 =
* Option to save user feedback as order note

= 15.4 - 11.12.18 =
* Minor bugfix

= 15.3 - 10.12.18 =
* Minor bugfix

= 15.2 - 09.12.18 =
* Fixed an issue that may prevent the product to be saved

= 15.1 - 07.12.18 =
* Minor bugfix related to WP 5.0

= 15.0 - 28.11.18 =
* Fixed an issue due to specific variation attachment was not properly showed/hidden in the product page

= 14.9 - 18.11.18 =
* Fixed an issue with Yith woocommerce questions and answers

= 14.8 - 13.11.18 =
* Bugfix related to the activation system

= 14.7 - 24.10.18 =
* Added option to approve attachment via URL

= 14.6 - 08.10.18 =
* Minor bugfix

= 14.5 - 28.09.18 =
* UI Improvement
* Added new activation system: now the plugin can be only activated in two domains and they cannot be unregistered

= 14.4 - 21.09.18 =
* Lightbox preview now works also for external links

= 14.3 - 06.09.18 =
* Internal libraries update

= 14.2 - 10.08.17 =
* Internal libraries update

= 14.1 - 14.06.17 =
* Fixed an issue that may reset customer selection when creating a new order and attaching a file

= 14.0 - 14.06.18 =
* Fixed an issue with WPML due to in order edit page the order status selector was empty

= 13.9 - 11.06.18 =
* Fixed an issue due to order attachments were not reported in the order notes

= 13.8 - 26.05.18 =
* Added new option to select a different method to preview images.

= 13.6 - 22.05.18 =
* Fixed an issue due to on approval status change order status was not updated

= 13.5 - 04.05.18 =
* Improved description box (Admin order page) UI
* Admin order page: added "copy to clipboard" buttons for attachments

= 13.4 - 24.04.18 =
* Typo (thanks to smokeandstrawberries for reporting)

= 13.3 - 23.04.18 =
* Added option to customize the download button text for product attachments

= 13.2 - 23.04.18 =
* Minor bugfix

= 13.1 - 21.04.18 =
* Added option to position Attachment list before/after order table on the Order details page

= 13.0 - 13.04.18 =
* Fixed an issue due to in case of variable products, all the specific variation attachments were shown on the order details page, and emails

= 12.9 - 12.03.18 =
* Added "user role restriction" option for product attachment

= 12.8 - 12.03.18 =
* Improved Options menu UI

= 12.7 - 10.03.18 =
* Fixed an issue due to order expired attachment were displayed in the Downloads tab

= 12.6 - 10.03.18 =
* Fixed a bug due to file were downloadable from the Downloads tab even if the disclaimer was not been accepted

= 12.5 - 08.02.18 =
* Fixed some bug related to the order notification message

= 12.4 - 03.02.18 =
* Added file names on order notes

= 12.3 - 31.01.18 =
* When a notification is sent or an attachment is included in a status email notification email, an order note is added to keep track of those actions

= 12.2 - 15.12.17 =
* Added new shortcodes that can be used in email body and subject

= 12.1 - 12.12.17 =
* Typos

= 12.0 - 13.11.17 =
* Added support for the WooCommerce Attach Me! - Sequential Order Number Pro addon

= 11.9 - 13.11.17 =
* Attachment now can be included in custom order email created with WooCommerce Order Status Manager (not available for automatic email attachments)

= 11.8 - 23.09.17 =
* Fixed an issue on the Download page due to the order link was not pointing to the order details page

= 11.7 - 16.08.17 =
* Fixed an issue on the product admin page

= 11.6 - 14.08.17 =
* Is now possible to add a description to the attachment

= 11.5 - 10.08.17 =
* Fixed an issue due to in some installation automatic attachments are not attached to emails

= 11.4 - 10.08.17 =
* Improved "accepted disclaimer" management

= 11.3 - 08.08.17 =
* For order attachments secure links, add a counter that shows the number of downloads

= 11.2 - 07.08.17 =
* Added "disclaimer" feature for Order attachment: the user will be able to download the attached file only accepting the disclaimer

= 11.1 - 03.08.17 =
* Minor bugfix

= 11.0 - 06.07.17 =
* Improved internal cache sub-system

= 10.9 - 30.06.17 =
* Fixed an issue with WooCommerce 2.6 and Product attachments

= 10.8 - 29.06.17 =
* Fixed an issue that may prevent order attachments to be properly created

= 10.7 - 27.06.17 =
* Fixed an issue with TinyMCE source code editor

= 10.6 - 26.06.17 =
* Fixed an issue relative to the notification email and 2.6 WooCommerce version

= 10.5 - 12.06.17 =
* Minor bugfixes

= 10.4 - 05.06.17 =
* Added option to attach a file on product page

= 10.3 - 25.05.17 =
* Minor bugfixes

= 10.2 - 06.05.17 =
* Fixed a warning message due to the usage of the deprecated function get_product instead of wc_get_product

= 10.1 - 03.05.17 =
* Added successful message after feedback has been submitted by the user

= 10.0 - 27.04.17 =
* Fixed issue with product attachment only visible in outgoing emails

= 9.9 - 24.04.17 =
* Fixed an issue that prevented attachments to be properly visible in the Download list in WooCommerce 3.0.3

= 9.8 - 17.04.17 =
* Fixed an issue related to  WooCommerce 2.6 backward incompatibility

= 9.7 - 10.04.17 =
* Fixed other WooCommerce 2.6 backward incompatibility issues

= 9.6 - 05.04.17 =
* Added support to upcoming WooCommerce 3.0

= 9.5 - 28.03.17 =
* Added support to upcoming WooCommerce 3.0

= 9.4 - 16.03.17 =
* Fixed several bugs related to the Product and Orders attachment expiration feature

= 9.3 - 13.03.17 =
* Added option to set expiration date (or time amount after order date) for order attachments

= 9.2 - 09.03.17 =
* Minor bugfix

= 9.1 - 07.03.17 =
* Small performance improvement

= 9.0 - 28.02.17 =
* Fixed some CSS issues

= 8.9 - 21.02.17 =
* Added options to allow attachments download in My Account -> Downloads tab

= 8.8 - 16.02.17 =
* Fixed an issue due to attachments file name could not have the extension

= 8.7 - 12.02.17 =
* Fixed an issue due to links were not embedded in WooCommerce outgoing emails

= 8.6 - 02.02.17 =
* Fixed an issue that caused crashes on user registration

= 8.5 - 18.01.17 =
* Added new "View Attachments" button on orders list (My Account page)

= 8.4 - 12.01.17 =
* Small improvement on reading the file when using secure links system

= 8.3 - 23.12.16 =
* Minor bugfix 

= 8.2 - 17.12.16 =
* Fixed a bug that may prevent the plugin to be properly initialized

= 8.1 - 12.12.16 =
* Added option to set order status according to the user approval selected option

= 8.0 - 08.12.16 =
* Minor bugfix

= 7.9 - 02.11.16 =
* Minor bugfix

= 7.8 - 15.10.16 =
* Added button to collapse/expand attachment box
* Added option to set default text for email that embeds links

= 7.7 - 12.10.16 =
* Added new .po languages

= 7.6 - 06.10.16 =
* Minor bugfix

= 7.5 - 11.09.16 =
* Minor bugfix

= 7.4 - 31.08.16 =
* Bugfix on variants selector

= 7.3 - 16.08.16 =
* Minor bugfix

= 7.2 - 27.07.16 =
* Minor bugfix

= 7.1 - 22.07.16 =
* Minor bugfix

= 7.0 - 07.07.16 =
* Product attachments: added option to attach a file to outgoing emails only

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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