Wonderfood, Food Ordering Management System

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by winnerawan
Wonderfood, Food Ordering Management System Android Food & Goods Delivery Mobile App template


Wonderfood is food order management system for restaurant or cafe.

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This order management system include :
1. API (slim framework)
2. Backend for staff or administrator (laravel framework)
3. Android Apps
1. MVP design Pattern (Model-View-Presenter)
2. Dependecy Injection with Dagger2.
3. RxJava, FastAndroidNetworking, Butterknife.
4. Lambda
5. Animation
Feature version 1.0.0 :
1. Place order (qr scanner) qr code as a table number
2. Delivery order with google maps api and show direction from origin to destination.
Demo backend
: https://wonderfood.winnerawan.net
Credential :

Demo apk : https://wonderfood.winnerawan.net/app-release.apk
Demo video :
Wonderfood, Food Ordering Management System - 1 Wonderfood, Food Ordering Management System - 2 Wonderfood, Food Ordering Management System - 3 Wonderfood, Food Ordering Management System - 4

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