Whatsapp Status Saver & WhatsApp Business with Admob ads

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by AppHeaven
Whatsapp Status Saver & WhatsApp Business with Admob ads Android Business Mobile


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Status Saver Android App


WhatsApp Saver app is really easy to download any Whatsapps & WA Business image and video status with original resolution. App have modern and animated UI with many awesome features.

App Features

  • ✔️ Android 11 & 12 supported
  • ✔️ Target SDK version 32
  • ✔️ Light Weight App
  • ✔️ Ready to published app with google play console policy
  • ✔️ pull down / swipe to refresh status
  • ✔️ Whatsapps & Whatsapps Business status saver
  • ✔️ Whatsapps & Whatsapps Business Image & Video status downloader
  • ✔️ Mutiple Download/ Delete status
  • ✔️ Share, delete & repost status
  • ✔️ My Gallery for view, delete, share & repost all downloaded media
  • ✔️ Admob Ads with full width Banner and Interstitial Ads

Refund Policy

Be Aware : We do not sell any of our items outside the Envato market We don’t offer a refund. (If the item is downloaded) Please read the description and compatibility content thoroughly before purchasing, as we don’t offer a refund if you buy it by mistake. If you are facing any kind of problem in the code setup code, you can feel free to contact us via comment box and our support system.


If you have any questions or issues with the product, please contact us at our email, Also we can provide technical support using remote Access.

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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