WebView for iOS With Push Notification by YazilimApp1

WebView for iOS With Push Notification by YazilimApp1


WebView App is a native Android application which uses web view component for displaying content. With this template you can turn your responsive website into a universal mobile app. It is quick, easy and affordable. WebView App has many useful built-in features and services.

This template provides you easy way to make your own app. It does not require programming skills. Code is easily configurable and customizable. There is just one config file to setting up everything. Project is well documented. Create your own app in less than 40 to 60 minutes without any special knowledge! It’s easier than you think.

We have a lot of experience with developing ios apps. Our priority is to create top quality products with beautiful design, write a perfectly clean code and make apps easily configurable and customizable.

1. Intro Screen (A beautiful intro screen for iOS written in Swift.)
2. Splash Screen
3. Add to Favorites
4. OneSignal Push Notification
5. Deep Link Support
5. No internet connection
5. Show loading progress
5. Pull to Refresh
6. Rate app
7. Support Menu (Call and Email support)
8. Share app

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