WebFlix - Movies - TV Series - Live TV Channels - Subscription

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by virmana


WebFlix - Movies - TV Series - Live TV Channels - Subscription - 1

WebFlix - Movies - TV Series - Live TV Channels - Subscription - 2

WebFlix - Movies - TV Series - Live TV Channels - Subscription - 3

WebFlix its web application run under flix plateform that used to create you own movies / tv series / tv channels plateform . With powerful features and beautiful and Responsive design and ultimate Admin Panel can manage Movies ,Tv series ,Tv channels ,Genres ,Categories , Subscription ,website settings, mobile application settings and more . This application created by using symfony framwork and Php/MySQL for database. By using this application you can save your money and time in creating application for your own movies plateform(website / mobile application)

WebFlix - Movies - TV Series - Live TV Channels - Subscription - 4

WebFlix - Movies - TV Series - Live TV Channels - Subscription - 5

WebFlix - Movies - TV Series - Live TV Channels - Subscription - 6

WebFlix - Movies - TV Series - Live TV Channels - Subscription - 7

WebFlix - Movies - TV Series - Live TV Channels - Subscription - 8

Front-end Demo credentials :

Demo username : demo@demo.com
Demo password : 123456

WebFlix - Movies - TV Series - Live TV Channels - Subscription - 9

Admin panel Demo credentials :

Admin Panel Demo username : admin
Admin Panel Demo Demo password : 123456

WebFlix - Movies - TV Series - Live TV Channels - Subscription - 10

WebFlix - Movies - TV Series - Live TV Channels - Subscription - 11

WebFlix - Movies - TV Series - Live TV Channels - Subscription - 12

WebFlix - Movies - TV Series - Live TV Channels - Subscription - 13

WebFlix - Movies - TV Series - Live TV Channels - Subscription - 14

WebFlix - Movies - TV Series - Live TV Channels - Subscription - 15


  • Slider in home page (Link,Category,Movies, Tv Serries , Live TV Channels …)
  • Featured TV Live Channels
  • Popular Actors
  • Top Rated Movies / TV Series
  • Popular Movies / TV Series
  • Latest content for each genre
  • Movies Page : filtre with genre and order with views , title , rating , year ….
  • TV Series Page : filtre with genre and order with views , title , rating , year ….
  • TV Live Channels Page : filtre with categories and countries
  • Downladed Movies / Eposides
  • Downladed Subtitles
  • Share Content with smart Share system
  • Add Movies / TV series to My List
  • Rate Movies / TV Series / TV Live Channels
  • Comment Movies / TV Series / TV Live Channels
  • Cast Actors of Movie / TV Serie
  • Seasons List
  • Episodes List
  • Related Video
  • Download From Multi Sources
  • Play Movies / TV series / TV Live channles
  • Play Video with multi sources m3u8 / mp4 / mov / Youtube / Embed Video / WebM
  • Play Video with subtitles (VTT/SRT supported)
  • Turn On/Off Subtitles
  • Search Movies / TV Series / TV Live Channels by using title,keywords…
  • Sign-in/Sign-up with Google
  • Sign-in/Sign-up With Facebook
  • Sign-in/Sign-up With Email
  • privacy policy,Refund Policy,Faq pages
  • Show your ads in all pages as image or embed code
  • Subscription to delete Ads
  • Subscription to Unlock Premium content
  • Subscription packs system
  • Subscription with PayPal / Stripe / Cash manual payment method


  • IMDb API integrated help to fetch movies Details / Images / Genres / Episodes / TV Series …..
  • Manage Slides
  • Manage Movies : Trailer / Sources / Cast / Subtitles
  • Manage TV Serie : Trailer / Episode Sources / Episode Cast / Episode Subtitles
  • Manage Live TV Channel : Sources
  • Manage Sources (MP4/M3U8/MOV/WEBM/Youtube/Embed video Links) (MP4/MOV/WEBM files)
  • Manage Subtitles (VTT/SRT)
  • Manage Channels Categories
  • Manage Genre
  • Manage Actors
  • Manage Countries Subtitles
  • Manage Packs
  • Manage Subscription
  • Manage Payments settings
  • Manage Notifications for mobile app
  • Manage Versions for mobile app
  • Manage Comments
  • Manage Rating
  • Manage Support messages
  • Firebse Settings for mobile app
  • Manage Ads : AdMob and Facebook Ads for mobile app
  • Manage Users

    • PHP Vertsion 7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3
    • Apache server
    • MySQL Database
    • Hosting/Server with cpanel/WHM recommended

    You will get

    • WebFlix source code (admin panel included)
    • Database file
    • Documentation with video

    Update 1.6 (Posted 10 Nov 2022 )

                * Support Android App version 4.0
                * IrounSource Ads for Android App version Added
                * Bugs fixed

    Update 1.5 (Posted 20 Mar 2022 )

                * Full screen allowed in embed videos
                * PayPal sdk upgraded
                * Support Android App version 3.0
                * Applovin Max Ads for Android App version Added
                * Bugs fixed

    Update 1.4 (Posted 20 Nov 2021 )

                * Android TV app supported issue fixed

    Update 1.3 (Posted 14 Oct 2021 )

                * Android TV app supported
                * Ads html code issue fixed
                * sitemap.xml auto generate added 
                * Other bugs fixed 

    Update 1.2 (Posted 19 Oct 2020 )

                * 404 Custom page issue fixed 
                * Contact us page added
                * Refund Policy page for android app added
                * Ask Subscription in Live TV / Movies / TV Series issue fixed
                * Profile picture upload button fixed
                * Other bugs fixed 

    Update 1.1 (Posted 14 Oct 2020 )

                * Login system with mobile app issue fixed
                * Manual Subscription from mobile app issue fixed
                * Manual Subscription issue fixed
                * m3u8 issue fixed 
                * connect app with webflix issue fixed
                * Other bugs fixed 

    Product tags

      • 6 month free support included from author
      • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
      • 360 degrees quality control
      Secure payment & money back guarantee

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