WD Guide - Flutter with Blogger API v3 Guide App

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by warokdroid


WD Guide is an Android application template using the Flutter framework and Dart programming language to display posts from Blogger. It will load all posts, labels (categories), and images from a Blogger blog and present them in an attractive UI layout and design. Running on the Android platform and built using Flutter makes WD Guide reliable, fast, and smooth. Implementing Google Material Design UI enhances the visual appeal of this application.

Demo Android App

WD Guide Blogger API V3 API WD Guide promotional banner
WD Guide screen preview

Key Features:

  1. Blogger API V3 as Backend
  2. Beautiful Material UI Design
  3. Light Mode & Dark Mode
  4. Simple Integration with Blogger
  5. Easy to Reskin
  6. Admob Ads (Banner, Interstitial, & Native ads)
  7. GDPR Compliance
  8. Home Page
  9. Categories
  10. Search Post
  11. Save Post as Favorite
  12. Privacy Policy Page
  13. Terms & Conditions Page
  14. Setting Page
  15. About Us Page
  16. Drawer Menu
  17. Exit App Dialog
  18. Share App Functionality
  19. Review App Functionality
  20. More Apps Functionality


  • Flutter 3.x
  • Dart Programming Language
  • BLoc State Management
  • IDE / Text Editor (Android Studio / Intellij IDEA / VSCode)
  • Blogger.com
  • SQLite database with SQFLite driver

What You’ll Get?

  • Full Flutter 3.x Source Code
  • Full Documentation
  • Unlimited Support

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WD Guide

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