Warden - Remote Administration Tool

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by CT100


The source code is available to purchase as of 02/08/2020


Warden is another surveillance application that allows individuals and businesses to monitor the activity of users remotely in real-time.


  • Accept up to 100 connections from computers (Connected to a local network or over the internet)
  • Send Remote Commands to the Connected Computers
  • Monitor Running Programs on the Connected Computers
  • Restrict users from running Certain Programs
  • Monitor Internet Activity of the Connected Computers (Currently only works with Internet Explorer)
  • Restrict Users from accessing certain websites/URL’s (currently only works with internet explorer)
  • Disable the User’s ability to use specified browsers
  • Monitor Events that occur on the machine, Including
    • Files that have been Created
    • Files that have been Deleted
    • Files that have been Modified
    • Files that have been Renamed
  • Configure Sentinel – Keylogger (Sold Separately) to monitor Keystrokes in Real-Time


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In this section you will be able to view a summary of the events that has been collected by the server. These include:
  • Computers that have been connected and disconnected from the server
  • Total number of responses received altogether from the connected machines
  • Total number of commands sent to the connected computers
  • The duration of the server’s up-time

Manage Connected Computers

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This section allows you to view basic information about the connected computers such as their specifications (including CPU frequency, RAM, Hard drive capacity). Also you will be able to execute remote commands which include:
  • Shutdown the Computer
  • Delete a Specified File
  • Execute a Specified File
  • Create a new File
  • Get files Within a Specified Directory
  • Get folders Within a Specified Directory

Manage Application Settings

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In this section you will be able to monitor and manage all the applications running on each connected computer. Warden Keeps track of every application that has been opened while the connection to the server has been active. You will also be able to see detailed information about each application which will include:
  • The application name
  • The application ID
  • The window title of the application
  • The starting time of the application (if available)
  • The file location of the application (if available)
In addition to that you will also be able to restrict users from accessing certain applications by ‘banning them’ which will force them to close if the user attempts to execute them.

Manage Internet Settings

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This section allows you to take control over what each connected computer is allowed to browse on the internet. Ranging from monitoring all website visits to restricting them from visitng certain websites or even disabling specified internet browsers.

View Event Logs

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This section allows you to monitor any events that occur on the machine that have not been categorised into one of the previous sections. Currently this includes:
  • Files that have been created
  • Files that have been deleted
  • Files that have been modified
  • Files that have been renamed

View Sentinel Logs

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For those who have purchased ‘Sentinel – Keylogger’ you will now be able to configure it with Warden, thereby allowing you to view your logs in real time remotely, rather than having to rely on SMTP. The benefit of this of course is:
  • You get to view your logs in a suitable environment for multiple computers
  • You no longer have to rely on multiple emails flooding your inbox containing the logs of each computer.

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