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Real-time crypto content aggregator with sentiment analysis.
Our advanced AI-based sentiment analysis provides a deeper understanding of market emotions.
Use our summaries and article analyses to better understand the prevailing sentiments.
Try for free for 7 days >>>
Make decisions based on SENTIMENT!
Use our content aggregator with sentiment analysis. Make decisions using insights from the community and content providers from over 110 different sources
Stay up-to-date with market sentiments
Our real-time content aggregator not only gathers information but also analyzes market sentiment. Understanding the emotions prevailing in the industry has never been easier thanks to our summaries and AI-based sentiment assessments.
We collect and analyze content providers’ data from more than 110 different places on the web.
The AI model creates a summary and assigns a sentiment rating to the text: positive, negative or neutral.
We present enriched rankings of cryptocurrencies with sentiment in the time frames of 1h, 24h, and 7 days.
Get started >>>
Use our article summaries and precise sentiment evaluations to always be one step ahead.
Make transaction decisions based on cryptocurrency sentiment analysis
VoiceLark is a tool that allows investors and traders to assess the overall mood and emotions of market participants that may affect price movements.
In the age of broad digitalization of content and social media, the increase in discussions about a specific cryptocurrency can translate into its market value.
Use sentiment analysis to better understand the general market stance towards a given currency which can help you make more informed decisions.
Try for free for 7 days >>>
What is sentiment analysis?
It is a tool that allows you to break down the informational noise around the crypto topic into three segments: positive, negative, and neutral.
Applications of sentiment analysis
Aids in identifying the predominant emotions in statements (articles) about cryptocurrencies, which is essential for making forecasts.
Benefits of sentiment analysis
Enables identification of market trends, predicting price changes, and better understanding of market moods.
Supports decisions in investment strategies
Sentiment analysis facilitates decision-making based on current moods.
Gain market transparency
Make decisions using insights from content providers and communities from over 110 different places on the web.
Monitor sentiments in real time
Track current sentiments and opinions on a given topic and monitor long-term moods associated with specific topics or cryptocurrencies.
VoiceLark Application:
Monitoring market sentiment:Allows tracking of overall market moods.
Decision support on investment strategies:Sentiment analysis provides essential information that allows for formulating investment strategies based on current market trends.
Early detection of opportunities and threats: Enables identification of trends and mood changes allowing faster response to market changes.
Real-time information access:Provides up-to-date information which is crucial during dynamic changes in cryptocurrency markets.
Understand the prevailing emotions in the market through AI-based sentiment analysis.
A smarter and faster way to analyze content.
VoiceLark summarizes, creates summaries, and evaluates sentiment.Don’t waste time reading lengthy articles.
The platform allows investors and traders to monitor media related to cryptocurrencies. It collects data from various sources including specialized weibsites and Twitter, providing real-time feedback thanks to advanced AI tools that assess market moods and emotions. The system presents sentiment analysis of individual statements about specific cryptocurrencies and long-term market perspectives.
Operated by Artificial Intelligence ensures speed, accuracy, and consistency/repeatability.
Over 110 sources monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Access to historical posts.
up to 9h
Saved weekly thanks to AI summaries and overviews.
Choose your plan
7 days free, thenNo credit card required
21$ 14,99$ / month
Buy now
website access
access to summaries
basic filtering
7 days free, thenNo credit card required
68,6$ 48,99$ / month
Buy now
website access
access to summaries
basic filtering
sentiment and sentiment explanation in aggregated content
crypto ranking by market cap and sentiment
market sentiment from 1H / 24H / 7 days
best/worst sentiment ranking
Coming soon:
access to historical rankings
price charts combined with sentiment analysis algorithm results
custom sentimental price alerts
notifications about launchpools and launchpads
7 days free, thenNo credit card required
35$ 24,99$ / month
Buy now
website access
access to summaries
basic filtering
sentiment and sentiment explanation in aggregated content
Coming soon:
aggregation of summaries and sentiment analysis of tweets
advanced content filtering
configuration and saving of custom filters
push and email notifications
You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your plan at any time
7-day free trial
Fixed price guarantee for all future plan upgrades for users registered before July 1, 2024.
For early subscribers (lifetime) fixed price guarantee for all future plan updates for users registered before July 1, 2024.
What is VoiceLark and what does it do?
VoiceLark is a content aggregator that collects news and articles from various sources and presents their summaries generated by an AI model. Each news item is analyzed for sentiment and assigned a rating: positive, negative, or neutral.
How do you present sentiment over time?
VoiceLark presents a ranking of cryptocurrencies enhanced with sentiment analysis in time intervals: 1 hour, 24 hours, and 7 days. Additionally, we provide the ability to filter the ranking based on the most frequently mentioned cryptocurrencies and those with the best sentiment in the three time intervals: 1 hour, 24 hours, and 7 days.
Is a free trial period available?
Yes, you will receive a 7-day free trial period once you register and provide your payment details. You can change the plan or cancel it at any time.
What payment options are available?
We only accept online payments via credit cards.
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Przełączanie menu
Real-time crypto content aggregator with sentiment analysis.
Our advanced AI-based sentiment analysis provides a deeper understanding of market emotions.
Use our summaries and article analyses to better understand the prevailing sentiments.
Try for free for 7 days >>>
Make decisions based on SENTIMENT!
Use our content aggregator with sentiment analysis. Make decisions using insights from the community and content providers from over 110 different sources
Stay up-to-date with market sentiments
Our real-time content aggregator not only gathers information but also analyzes market sentiment. Understanding the emotions prevailing in the industry has never been easier thanks to our summaries and AI-based sentiment assessments.
We collect and analyze content providers’ data from more than 110 different places on the web.
The AI model creates a summary and assigns a sentiment rating to the text: positive, negative or neutral.
We present enriched rankings of cryptocurrencies with sentiment in the time frames of 1h, 24h, and 7 days.
Get started >>>
Use our article summaries and precise sentiment evaluations to always be one step ahead.
Make transaction decisions based on cryptocurrency sentiment analysis
VoiceLark is a tool that allows investors and traders to assess the overall mood and emotions of market participants that may affect price movements.
In the age of broad digitalization of content and social media, the increase in discussions about a specific cryptocurrency can translate into its market value.
Use sentiment analysis to better understand the general market stance towards a given currency which can help you make more informed decisions.
Try for free for 7 days >>>
What is sentiment analysis?
It is a tool that allows you to break down the informational noise around the crypto topic into three segments: positive, negative, and neutral.
Applications of sentiment analysis
Aids in identifying the predominant emotions in statements (articles) about cryptocurrencies, which is essential for making forecasts.
Benefits of sentiment analysis
Enables identification of market trends, predicting price changes, and better understanding of market moods.
Supports decisions in investment strategies
Sentiment analysis facilitates decision-making based on current moods.
Gain market transparency
Make decisions using insights from content providers and communities from over 110 different places on the web.
Monitor sentiments in real time
Track current sentiments and opinions on a given topic and monitor long-term moods associated with specific topics or cryptocurrencies.
VoiceLark Application:
Monitoring market sentiment:Allows tracking of overall market moods.
Decision support on investment strategies:Sentiment analysis provides essential information that allows for formulating investment strategies based on current market trends.
Early detection of opportunities and threats: Enables identification of trends and mood changes allowing faster response to market changes.
Real-time information access:Provides up-to-date information which is crucial during dynamic changes in cryptocurrency markets.
Understand the prevailing emotions in the market through AI-based sentiment analysis.
A smarter and faster way to analyze content.
VoiceLark summarizes, creates summaries, and evaluates sentiment.Don’t waste time reading lengthy articles.
The platform allows investors and traders to monitor media related to cryptocurrencies. It collects data from various sources including specialized weibsites and Twitter, providing real-time feedback thanks to advanced AI tools that assess market moods and emotions. The system presents sentiment analysis of individual statements about specific cryptocurrencies and long-term market perspectives.
Operated by Artificial Intelligence ensures speed, accuracy, and consistency/repeatability.
Over 110 sources monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Access to historical posts.
up to 9h
Saved weekly thanks to AI summaries and overviews.
Choose your plan
7 days free, thenNo credit card required
21$ 14,99$ / month
Buy now
website access
access to summaries
basic filtering
7 days free, thenNo credit card required
68,6$ 48,99$ / month
Buy now
website access
access to summaries
basic filtering
sentiment and sentiment explanation in aggregated content
crypto ranking by market cap and sentiment
market sentiment from 1H / 24H / 7 days
best/worst sentiment ranking
Coming soon:
access to historical rankings
price charts combined with sentiment analysis algorithm results
custom sentimental price alerts
notifications about launchpools and launchpads
7 days free, thenNo credit card required
35$ 24,99$ / month
Buy now
website access
access to summaries
basic filtering
sentiment and sentiment explanation in aggregated content
Coming soon:
aggregation of summaries and sentiment analysis of tweets
advanced content filtering
configuration and saving of custom filters
push and email notifications
You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your plan at any time
7-day free trial
Fixed price guarantee for all future plan upgrades for users registered before July 1, 2024.
For early subscribers (lifetime) fixed price guarantee for all future plan updates for users registered before July 1, 2024.
What is VoiceLark and what does it do?
VoiceLark is a content aggregator that collects news and articles from various sources and presents their summaries generated by an AI model. Each news item is analyzed for sentiment and assigned a rating: positive, negative, or neutral.
How do you present sentiment over time?
VoiceLark presents a ranking of cryptocurrencies enhanced with sentiment analysis in time intervals: 1 hour, 24 hours, and 7 days. Additionally, we provide the ability to filter the ranking based on the most frequently mentioned cryptocurrencies and those with the best sentiment in the three time intervals: 1 hour, 24 hours, and 7 days.
Is a free trial period available?
Yes, you will receive a 7-day free trial period once you register and provide your payment details. You can change the plan or cancel it at any time.
What payment options are available?
We only accept online payments via credit cards.
Privacy Policy
Terms of Service
General Information Clause
© Copyright 2024