- Version: 1.4
- Last update: 28 Sept 2021
- File Included: Full Source code of Flutter App (Android & iOS)
Download App demo apk
Google Play Demo
iOS Testflight Demo
Web App Demo
Integration : Ready to use code integrations
In application section “Integrations” showing how to work with different packages and technologies
- Get installed Apps – Android only
- Stripe Payment Gateway
- Razorpay Payment Gateway
- Image Pickup: from Camera and library
- Call phone number
- Open URL in browser
- Delete, Add Orders
- Send SMS
- Send E-mail
- Google Maps
- Image Markers
- Markers Clusters
- Dark Theme
- Circle Region
- Plus and Minus Buttons
- Get Current Location Button
- Polilines
- Markers Clusters
- Search location from address
- Get address from location
- Bar Codes generator (CODE39, CODE93, BARCODE128, QR CODES AND OTHER)
- Scan Barcodes and QR codes (in fullscreen and widget mode)
- HTML widget
- Share
- Biometrics
- Permissions (permission_handler)
- Get current location and distance between two points
- Get package info (app name, package name, version, build)
- Firebase Firestore (read and write)
- Firebase Auth (create account with email, login with Google and Facebook, verify phone (OTP))
- Shared Preferences (read and write)
- Google AdMob (banner, interstillar and reward)
- Calendar widget
- Flutter Charts (Cartesian, Circular and other)
- Play video
- Check internet connection package
- Login with Google, Facebook and Apple
- Generate UUID
- Color Picker (5 pcs)
- Date Time Picker (Select Date, Set Date Range, start from years, set theme of dialog, time 12h and 24h format, set theme of time dialog)
- Cupertino Date Time Picker (Select Date, Set Date Range, select time, select time with 15 min interval, time with 12h and 24h format)
- Device Info (OS version, phone brand, display, id, manufacture)
- Vibration
- Device Shake Detector
- Device Info (OS version, phone brand, display, id, manufacture)
- In Geolocator – distance between two points
- Permissions (permission_handler)
- Firebase Auth (Create User, Log In, Log Out, OTP)
- Shared Preferences
Flutter Basics : Learn the basics
- Container (circle, border, color, shadow, triangle, rhombus, clipped, rotated, wave)
- Align
- AnimatedContainer
- Container Animation (moving and rotation)
- Animated Icons
- Animated GIF
- AnimatedCrossFade
- Divider
- Row and Column (align, space between and around, row and column combination)
- SnackBar (color, time, multiline, with icon, floating, up screen)
- ListView and GridView
- GestureDetector
- TabBar (11 pcs)
- Portrait and Landscape mode
- App Lifecycle Observer (App in foreground, background and terminated)
- Transform
- DataTable
- Cupertino Popup Surface
- Scrolling Listener
- SliverAppBar (2 pcs)
- ScrollBar
Applications Templates
- Web App – Portfolio #1
- Web App – Portfolio #2
- Web App – Facebook
- Web App – Web Dashboard #1
- Web App – Web Dashboard #2
- On Demand Service – Customer App
- On Demand Service – Provider App
- On Demand Service – Customer App ver 2
- On Demand Service – Provider App ver 2
- FitBox
- Taxi Driver
- BleepMed – Medical Appointment App
- The Barber – Barber Shop Appointment App
- TikTok – TikTok Clone
- Movies – Online Movies

- Loaders (40 pcs)
- Buttons (220 pcs) Flat Button, Floating Action Button, Icon Button, Outline Button
- Sliders (13 pcs)
- Menu(Drawer) (3 pcs)
- Text (56 pcs)
- Edit(TextField) (44 pcs)
- Image (22 pcs)
- CheckBox (51 pcs)
- Group Radio
- AppBar (35 pcs)
- PageView (7 pcs)
- Cupertino Dialog (4 pcs)
- Standart dialog (11 pcs)
- Pop up dialog (12 pcs)
- BottomBar (15 pcs)
- Cards (47 pcs)
- Pagination (7 pcs)
- DropDownButton (4 pcs)
- Shimmer Effect (4 pcs)
This is online documentation, this link can help you how to getting started with
flutter and how to use Flutter Widgets in you projects.
See Also:
ver. 1.4 - 28 Sept 2021
Compatible with Flutter 2.5.1
- Applications
Web Facebook site clone
Web Portfolio #1
On Demand Home Service - Provider App (version #2)
On Demand Home Service - Customer App (version #2)
- Integrations
YouTube video integration
- Widgets
Pagination (1 pcs)
Buttons (7 pcs)
Card (6 pcs)
Progress (1 pcs)
Text (1 pcs)
ver. 1.3 - 18 jule 2021
- Applications
Web Dashboard #2
- Integrations
Get installed Apps - Android only
Added Stripe Payment Gateway
Added Razorpay Payment Gateway
- Widgets
Cards (1 pcs)
Added loading widget while load Web version
ver. 1.2 - 29 June 2021
- Applications
On Demand Home Service - Provider App
On Demand Home Service - Customer App
- Integrations
Google Maps - Search location from address
Google Maps - Get address from location
Device Shake
Device Info (OS version, phone brand, display, id, manufacture)
In Geolocator add distance between two points
Permissions (permission_handler)
- Basics
SliverAppBar 2
Animated GIF
TabBar example (1 pcs)
- Widgets
Group Radio
Group Radio - Inactive color
Edit (3 pcs)
Buttons (14 pcs)
BottomBar (1 pcs)
Cards (9 pcs)
ver. 1.1 - 07 june 2021
- Basics
Animated Icons
Cupertino Popup Surface
Scrolling Listener
- Integrations
Firebase Auth (Create User, Log In, Log Out, OTP)
Shared Preferences
Google Map Markers Clusters
- Widgets
Shimmer effects
Buttons (12 pcs)
CheckBox (3 pcs)
Loaders (3 pcs)
Rating Doalog
Bottom Bar (2 pcs)
Text (3 pcs)
Cards (1 pcs)
Cupertino Dialogs (2pcs)
Edit (1 pcs)
ver. 1.0 - 14 May 2021
- Release the first version