Before You make a purchase kindly first, check out the app features clearly in the demo app. Kindly check everything about the app how it works along with its flow of working. Make sure you check out each & every screen so that everything would be cleared before purchasing.
Everything is clearly shown in the demo app. Ask questions from mail regarding the app before purchasing it because authors are not responsible if an item did not meet your expectations
Unfortunately, Codecanyon doesn’t have any feature of upgrading licenses from regular to extended. But what you can do is -
Our team will verify your extended license purchase from the purchase code and give you a regular version refund.
v2.0 Added Sep 28, 2021 - Admin Dashboard - Optimized Code [New] - Many UI Updates [Fixed] - Single Driver Tracking [New] - Single Order Tracking [New] - Analytics Graphs Added [New] - Single Driver Orders Tracking [New] - React Native App - New App Drawer UI [New] - Remove Unused Screens [New] - Smooth Native Animation [New] - 1.7 MB App Size Reduced [New] - Fix Firebase OTP Issue [Fixed] - Latest Android Decencies [New] - Upgrade "react" v17.0.2 [Update] - Remove Old Unstable Packages [New] - Flipper v0.99.0 Support Added [New] - Javascript Bundler Size Reduced [New] - Upgrade "react-native" v0.65.1 [Update] - Car Selector Screen Overlap Issue [Fixed] - Profile Screen Long Loading Issue [Fixed] - Increase Performance, Fix 55 MB Memory Leak [Fixed] - Detach Inactive Screens from React Navigation [New] - Upgrade "@react-navigation" v6.1.4 & many others [Update]
v1.3 Added June 23, 2021 - Admin Dashboard - Optimized Code [New] - Many UI Updates [Fixed] - Driver Payout Added [New] - Database Backup Added [New] - Transactions Tracking [New] - Single Driver Tracking [New] - Analytics Graphs Added [New] - Single Rider Orders Tracking [New] - Database Auto Migration Added [New] - Single Driver Orders Tracking [New] - Manage App versioning from Admin Panel [New] - Change Driver Working Status from Admin Panel [New] - Send Push Notifications for Promotions & Offers [New] - React Native App - 2MB App Size Reduced [New] - Remove TvOS from IOS [New] - Google Maps Styler Added [New] - Latest Android Dependencies [New] - Babel v7.14.6 Support Added [New] - Driver Payout Request Added [New] - VSCode v1.57.1 Support Added [New] - ESLint v7.29.0 Support Added [New] - Remove Old Unstable Packages [New] - React New JSX Transform Added [New] - Flipper v0.94.1 Support Added [New] - Javascript Bundler Size Reduced [New] - Advance Pre-Schedule Booking Added [New] - User Transactions History Screen Added [New] - Driver Payout Request History Screen Added [New]
v1.2 Added May 30, 2021 - Admin Dashboard - Optimized Code [New] - Many UI Updates [Fixed] - Dynamic Coupon Code System [New] - Tax Manipulation from Dashboard [New] - Tax Manipulation from Dashboard [New] - Driver & User's Review Panel Added [New] - All Type of Hosting Server Supported [New] - 155 Country Currency Change from Dashboard [New] - Admin Commission Manipulation from Dashboard [New] - Driver's Dynamic verification fields (admin can change to their country specify) [New] - React Native App - IOS Build Bugs [Fixed] - Compress App Size [New] - Flipper v.91.2 Support [New] - Dynamic Tax Calculation [New] - IOS Flipper Bugs Fixed [Fixed] - Notification Bugs Fixed [Fixed] - IOS Permission Bugs Fixed [Fixed] - Add Money Screen Bugs Fixed [Fixed] - Dynamic Coupon Code Calculation [New] - Smooth & Stable IOS Build Support [New] - OTP Screen Time Increase to 1min [Fixed] - IOS Google Geocoding Bugs Fixed [Fixed] - Multiple Currency Code Bugs Fixed [Fixed] - Shared, VPS & Cloud Hosting Support [New] - IOS Human Verification Bugs Fixed [Fixed] - Vehicle Image Added for Driver Vehicle Verification [New]
v1.1 Added May 20, 2021 - Admin Dashboard - Admin update profile [New] - Paypal Payment Gateway [New] - Square-up Payment Gateway [New] - Admin can change password [New] - Wallet Transactions Added [New] - Driver Payout Button Added [New] - Dynamic Coupon System Added [New] - Admin Wallet Management Added [New] - Notification Management Added [New] - App Control Setting Panel Added [New] - Multiple Currency Support Added [New] - Dynamic Background in Login Screen [New] - Live Drivers Tracking System Added [New] - First Atlantic Commerce Payment Gateway [New] - New User Register, Add Money to their wallet Added [New] - Razorpay Payment Gateway [Fixed] - Driver Wallet Management [Fixed] - User Wallet Management [Fixed] - React Native App - COD Option Added [New] - Flipper Debugging Added [New] - Multiple Currency Added [New] - Multiple Payment Gateway Added [New] - No Image Placeholder Added [New] - First Atlantic Commerce Payment Gateway [New] - Package Stability [Fixed] - Font Scaling issue [Fixed] - useAuth context issue [Fixed] - Multiple Language issue [Fixed] - AddMoney Redirect issue [Fixed] - Razorpay Payment Gateway [Fixed] - EditProfile Screen issue [Fixed] - Stable API Component issue [Fixed] - AsyncStorage Lazy load issue [Fixed] - Current Location Text onChange [Fixed] - Driver Edit Details Screens issue [Fixed]
v1.0 Added Apr 15, 2021 - Initial Release
Card Type | Card Number | Expire Date | CVV |
American Express | 378282246310005 | Any Future Date like `12/2029` | Any three digit code like `111` |
American Express | 371449635398431 | Any Future Date like `12/2029` | Any three digit code like `111` |
American Express Corporate | 378734493671000 | Any Future Date like `12/2029` | Any three digit code like `111` |
Diners Club | 30569309025904 | Any Future Date like `12/2029` | Any three digit code like `111` |
Discover | 6011111111111117 | Any Future Date like `12/2029` | Any three digit code like `111` |
Discover | 6011000990139424 | Any Future Date like `12/2029` | Any three digit code like `111` |
JCB | 3530111333300000 | Any Future Date like `12/2029` | Any three digit code like `111` |
JCB | 3566002020360505 | Any Future Date like `12/2029` | Any three digit code like `111` |
Mastercard | 2221000000000009 | Any Future Date like `12/2029` | Any three digit code like `111` |
Mastercard | 2223000048400011 | Any Future Date like `12/2029` | Any three digit code like `111` |
Mastercard | 2223016768739313 | Any Future Date like `12/2029` | Any three digit code like `111` |
Mastercard | 5555555555554444 | Any Future Date like `12/2029` | Any three digit code like `111` |
Mastercard | 5105105105105100 | Any Future Date like `12/2029` | Any three digit code like `111` |
Visa | 4111111111111111 | Any Future Date like `12/2029` | Any three digit code like `111` |
Visa | 4012888888881881 | Any Future Date like `12/2029` | Any three digit code like `111` |
Visa | 4222222222222 | Any Future Date like `12/2029` | Any three digit code like `111` |
Country Code | Mobile Number | OTP |
+91 | 9876543210 | 123456 |
+91 | 9999999999 | 123456 |
+91 | 8888888888 | 123456 |