Transistor M radio (android)

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Transistor M radio (android) Android  Mobile Full Applications


Transistor M radio (android) - 1 Transistor M radio (android) - 2

  • Multi radio stream
  • Unlimited category
  • Support play icecast, shoutcast, mp3,AAC (direct stream)
  • User comments
  • Admin control
  • User can add own radio station
  • Metadata ICY support (artist / track name)
  • Support 64bit
  • Support Android X
  • Unique dark theme
  • Record stream to mp3 file
  • Built-in audio player
  • Prepared for translation into any languages
  • Parse server & Firebase
  • Favorites in the “cloud”
  • Push notification (onesignal)
  • Authentication mail
  • Admob support (banner)
  • Social web page (Facebook, Twitter, your site and etc.)
  • Timer
  • Easy customisation
  • Clean code
  • Documentation include
  • Setup does not require deep programming knowledge

Transistor M radio (android) - 3
Download apk here

Transistor M radio (android) - 4 Transistor M radio (android) - 5

  • The latest version of Android studio and some knowledge about its UI interface
  • Photoshop or any other image editor software
  • An Google Developer account to submit apps to the Google play Store
  • An AdMob account to generate your own Interstitial UNIT ID
  • A free account on Back4app or own Parse server
  • A free account on Firebase
Transistor M radio (android) - 6
Support requests are being processed on business days from 11:00 to 16:00 (GMT +1) [normally] within 48h in the order they were received, except Saturday and Sunday

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