Tournament Pro - Play and Earn

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by webgradle
Tournament Pro - Play and Earn Android  Mobile Games


The HTML Tournament Pro App is a platform that allows users to participate in online gaming tournaments and compete against other players from around the world. The app includes several features such as AdMoney, Withdraw Money, Refer and Earn, Transaction, and Login.

Admin Panel
Username : webgradle
Password : 123

Demo Apk :
Withdraw Money: The Withdraw Money feature allows users to withdraw their earnings from the app directly to their bank account or other payment methods supported by the app.

Refer and Earn: The Refer and Earn feature encourages users to invite their friends to join the app. Users can earn rewards for every friend they refer, who in turn must sign up and participate in tournaments.

Transaction: The Transaction feature allows users to view their transaction history within the app. This includes information on deposits, withdrawals, and any other transactions related to their account.

Login: The Login feature is essential for users to access their accounts on the app. Users can sign up with their email addresses or social media accounts, and once logged in, they can access all the features of the app, participate in tournaments, and track their progress.

Overall, the HTML Tournament App provides users with a fun and exciting way to engage in online gaming tournaments while earning rewards and money. With features such as AdMoney, Withdraw Money, Refer and Earn, Transaction, and Login, users can enjoy a seamless experience while participating in tournaments and earning money.

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