Timber - Ultimate Freelancer Platform

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by Clivern
Timber - Ultimate Freelancer Platform


Timber ships with many features to extend both Appearance and Functionality.

Some of these features are Powerful Dashboard, Memebers Management, Projects Management, Tasks, Milestones, Tickets, Files, Invoices, Paypal Gateway, Stripe Gateway, Subscriptions, Estimates, Quotations, Expenses, Items, Full and Child Themes Support, Custom Plugins, Mega Configurations, Extreme Security System, Caching, Backups, Email notification … and more.

Live Demonstration:

  • Dashboard
    Login Details:
    • Admin (Username: admin & Password: 12345678)
    • Staff (Username: staff & Password: 12345678)
    • Client (Username: client & Password: 12345678)
  • Please Note: Some of features Disabled in demo and also demo resetted after specifc period.

Explore Some of Built-in Features:

  • Automatic Installer
    Just upload timber and install. Everything will be Ready In Minutes.
  • Fully Ajax
  • Responsive Default Theme
    Timber Ships with Default Responsive theme which provides 6 Skins and Google Fonts. Also Child Theme and Themes Boilerplate Included.
  • Dashboard
    Helpful overview of in progress projects, in progress tasks, unpaid invoices, open tickets, latest estimates, latest subscriptions,...etc.
  • Project Management
    List, add, edit, delete projects and track projects progress.
  • Project Statistics
    Each project has a statistics dashboard.
  • Project Tasks
    List, add, edit, delete, assign tasks to staff and track tasks progress.
  • Project Milestones
    List, add, edit, delete and track milestones.
  • Project Tickets
    List, add, edit, reply, delete and track tickets.
  • Project Files
    Admins, project staff and project clients can share any kind of files in each project dashboard.
  • Members Management
    List, add, edit and invite memebrs to the platform.
  • Invoices Management
    List, add, edit, delete and track invoices.
  • Expenses Management
    List, add, edit and delete expenses.
  • Estimates Management
    List, add, edit and delete estimates.
  • Items/Services Management
    List, add, edit and delete items.
  • Quotations Management
    List and build quotations. Also you can invite clients or guests to submit quotations.
  • Subscriptions Management
    List, add, edit, delete and invoice subscriptions.
  • Calendar
    Admin and staff can explore their projects and tasks in a calendar view.
  • Messaging System
    Internal messaging system with both email and dashboard notifications.
  • Access Permission
    You can customize access permission of staff and clients.
  • Stripe Payment Integration
    Your clients can easily pay via credit card using the stripe service.
  • Paypal Payment Integration
    Your clients can easily pay invoices via Paypal.
  • Bank Transfer Integration
    Your clients can easily know bank account datails during payment.
  • Bulk Invoices Payments
    Your clients can select many invoices and pay them once.
  • Mega Options To Control Timber
    Some of The Mega Options:
    • Site title, decription, Language, Timezone, Taxes, Upload Logo.
    • Maintenance Mode.
    • Custom Styles, Scripts and Gravatars Type, Analytics Code.
    • Caching System.
    • Crons Support.
    • SMTP server settings.
    • Paypal Gateway, Stripe Gateway, Facebook For Login, Google For Login and Twitter For Login integration data.
    • Custom HTML Email Templates
    • Schedule Backups or Custom backups.
    • Compressed Backups.
    • Application Health and Updates Notifier.
  • Realtime Alerts
    Timber comes with a Realtime Alerting system for both Admins, Staff and Clients.
  • Theming Support
    Themes Boilerplate Included To Build Full Themes, Child Theme Included, Friendly Templating Engine (Twig) and all of these features covered in the Documentation
  • Custom Plugins Support
    Timber Comes with a handy tools to Build Plugins. Also two Plugins included to build your plugin and extend dashboard Functionality.
  • Well Secured
    Users nonces, Access Permissions, Automatic Escaping To Prevent XSS Attacks, Maintenance Mode, Auto-generated Salts, Two Encryptation Levels …. and more.
  • Updates Notification System
    Timber will notify you if any updates released.
  • Translation Ready
  • Lightweight Application
    Timber designed and developed to run smoothly on a Wide Range of Servers.
  • Developer Friendly
    Timber has a Well Documented Code Base.
  • Well documented
  • Amazing support


  • PHP 5.3+.
  • MySQL 5.1.7+.
  • Apache mod_rewrite Module.
  • PHP PDO Extension.
  • PHP mbstring Extension.
  • PHP DOM Extension.
  • PHP cURL Extension.
  • PHP MCrypt Extension (Optional For Extended Security).
  • PHP zlib Extension (Optional For Compressed Backups).
  • Cronjob (Optional For Scheduled Tasks Like Backups…etc).


  Version 1.1:
 > Ticket issue fixed.
 > Invoice logo issue fixed.
 > Some little fixes.   

  Version 1.0:
  > Initial Release.


If you interested in translating Timber. You can download translation files, then send translated file to support@clivern.com. Thanks so much.


I’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to timber.

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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