The Future is a responsive portfolio Template, used for web designing of Business, Organization, Community, Company Profile, Personal Portfolio, Creative Blog, Gallery Photo, Travel, Agency, shopping and more…
This template is maintained in a minimalist style with strong color accent. It has a responsive layout that looks great on mobile and tablet devices.
You will receive 166 PSD files including home page, about page, portfolio page, shop page contact page, blog page, service page and different files together with Theme will be an amazing choice!
Enjoy now!!!perfectly arrangement. Surely this will be very easy to customize
PSD File
001: 01_01_Home Page_01
002: 01_01_Home Page_01_ Ipad
003: 01_01_Home Page_01_Mobile
004: 01_01_Home Page_02
005: 01_01_Home Page_02_ipad
006: 01_01_Home Page_02_Mobile
007: 01_01_Home Page_03
008: 01_01_Home Page_03_ipad
009: 01_01_Home Page_04
010: 01_01_Home Page_04_ipad
011: 01_02_Home Page_Shop_01
012: 01_02_Home Page_Shop_01_ipad
013: 01_02_Home Page_Shop_02
014: 01_02_Home Page_Shop_02_ipad
015: 01_03_Home Page_Gallery_01
016: 01_03_Home Page_Gallery_01_ipad
017: 01_03_Home Page_Gallery_02
018: 01_03_Home Page_Gallery_02_ipad
019: 01_04_Home Page_Travel_01
020: 01_04_Home Page_Travel_01_ipad
021: 01_04_Home Page_Travel_02
022: 01_04_Home Page_Travel_02_ipad
023: 02_01_Portfolio_Column_01
024: 02_01_Portfolio_Column_02
025: 02_01_Portfolio_Column_03
026: 02_01_Portfolio_Column_04
027: 02_01_Portfolio_Column_05
028: 02_01_Portfolio_Column_06
029: 02_01_Portfolio_Column_07
030: 02_02_Portfolio_Column_01
031: 02_02_Portfolio_Column_02
032: 02_02_Portfolio_Column_03
033: 02_02_Portfolio_Column_04
034: 02_02_Portfolio_Column_05
035: 02_02_Portfolio_Column_06
036: 02_02_Portfolio_Column_07
037: 02_02_Portfolio_Column_08
038: 02_02_Portfolio_Column_09
039: 02_03_Portfolio_Column_01
040: 02_03_Portfolio_Column_01_black
041: 03_01_Portfolio_Detail_01
042: 03_01_Portfolio_Detail_02
043: 03_01_Portfolio_Detail_03
044: 03_01_Portfolio_Detail_04
045: 03_01_Portfolio_Detail_05
046: 03_01_Portfolio_Detail_06
047: 03_01_Portfolio_Detail_06_comments
048: 04_01_Member_Detail_01
049: 04_01_Member_Detail_01_Slide About Me
050: 04_01_Member_Detail_02
051: 04_01_Member_Detail_02_Skills
052: 04_01_Member_Detail_02_Work Experience
053: 04_01_Member_Detail_03
054: 04_01_Member_Detail_03_About Me
055: 04_01_Member_Detail_03_Work Experience & Skills
056: 05_01_Blog_01
057: 05_01_Blog_02
058: 05_01_Blog_03
059: 05_01_Blog_04
060: 05_01_Blog_05
061: 05_01_Blog_06
062: 05_01_Blog_07
063: 05_01_Blog_08
064: 06_01_Blog_Detail_01
065: 06_01_Blog_Detail_02
066: 06_01_Blog_Detail_03
067: 06_01_Blog_Detail_04
068: 06_01_Blog_Detail_05
069: 06_01_Blog_Detail_06
070: 06_01_Blog_Detail_07
071: 07_01_About Us_01
072: 07_01_About Us_02
073: 07_01_About Us_03
074: 07_01_About Us_04
075: 07_01_About Us_05
076: 08_01_Our Team_01
077: 08_01_Our Team_02
078: 08_01_Our Team_03
079: 08_01_Our Team_04
080: 08_01_Our Team_05
081: 08_01_Our Team_06
082: 08_01_Our Team_06_ Experience
083: 08_01_Our Team_06_ Skills
084: 09_01_Contact Us_01
085: 09_01_Contact Us_01_Pop up Get It Touch
086: 09_01_Contact Us_02
087: 09_01_Contact Us_03
088: 09_01_Contact Us_04
089: 09_01_Contact Us_05
090: 10_01_Login_01
091: 10_01_Login_02
092: 10_01_Login_03
093: 10_01_Login_04
094: 11_01_Register_01
095: 11_01_Register_02
096: 11_01_Register_03
097: 11_01_Register_04
098: 12_01_404_01
099: 12_01_404_02
100: 12_01_404_03
101: 13_01_Shop Catalogue_Left Content_01
102: 13_01_Shop Catalogue_Left Content_02
103: 13_01_Shop Catalogue_Left Content_03
104: 13_01_Shop Catalogue_Left Content_Banner_01
105: 13_01_Shop Catalogue_Left Content_Banner_02
106: 13_01_Shop Catalogue_Left Content_Banner_03
107: 13_01_Shop Catalogue_Right Content_01
108: 13_01_Shop Catalogue_Right Content_02
109: 13_01_Shop Catalogue_Right Content_03
110: 14_01_Product Detail_Lef_Buyer Guide_01
111: 14_01_Product Detail_Lef_Feedback_01
112: 14_01_Product Detail_Lef_Shipping & Payment_01
113: 14_01_Product Detail_Lef_Size Chart_01
114: 14_01_Product Detail_Left_01
115: 14_01_Product Detail_Right_01
116: 14_02_Product Detail_Right_01
117: 14_02_Product Detail_Right_Buyer Guide Full_01
118: 14_02_Product Detail_Right_Buyer Guide_01
119: 14_02_Product Detail_Right_Description full_01
120: 14_02_Product Detail_Right_Description_01
121: 14_02_Product Detail_Right_Feedback Full_01
122: 14_02_Product Detail_Right_Feedback_01
123: 14_02_Product Detail_Right_Shipping Full_01
124: 14_02_Product Detail_Right_Shippingl_01
125: 14_02_Product Detail_Right_Size Chart_01
126: 15_01_Shopping Cart_01
127: 15_02_Checkout_01
128: 15_03_Pay Successt_01
129: 15_04_Shipment_01
130: 15_05_Order Complete_01
131: 16_01_Check out_01
132: 17_01_About Us Travel_01
133: 17_02_Tour_01
134: 17_02_Tour_02
135: 17_02_Tour_03
136: 17_03_Package Details_01_Left
137: 17_03_Package Details_01_Right
138: 17_03_Package Details_Feedback_01_Left
139: 17_03_Package Details_Feedback_01_Right
140: 17_03_Package Details_View on Map_01_Left
141: 17_03_Package Details_View on Map_01_Right
142: 18_01_Gallery Categoties_01
143: 18_01_Gallery Categoties_02_Left
144: 18_01_Gallery Categoties_02_Right
145: 19_01_Search Results_01
146: 19_01_Search Results_02
147: 20_01_Shortcodes_01
148: 20_01_Shortcodes_02
149: 20_01_Shortcodes_03
150: 20_01_Shortcodes_04
151: 20_01_Shortcodes_05
152: 20_01_Shortcodes_06
153: 20_01_Shortcodes_07
154: 21_01_loading_01
155: 21_01_loading_02
156: 23_01_Menu Ipad_01
157: 23_01_Menu Ipad_02
158: 23_01_Menu Ipad_03
159: 23_01_Menu Ipad_04
160: 23_01_Menu Ipad_05
161: 23_01_Menu Ipad_06
162: 23_01_Menu mobile _07
163: 23_01_Menu mobile _08
164: 23_01_Menu mobile _09
165: 23_01_Menu mobile _10
166: 23_01_Menu mobile _11
Fonts Used
- Lato font (google font)
- Bebas Neue (google font)
Icons Used
- IcoMoon
Graphics Used
Images links will be provided after you purchase this template.
Note: All images are just used for preview purpose only an NOT included in the final purchase files.
Online Support
A product of Nguyen Dang Quang
- Email:
- Skype ID: producer_b
Don’t forget to rate the template. Thanks so much !