TechGadgets is a PSD Template designed for blogging and vlogging, for phones, tablets, gadgets and everything IT related. It has purpose oriented design, responsive layout and special features like review posts, polls, search page, author page & more.
Template Features
- Well Organized & Layered PSD Files
- Individual PSD Files for Header & Sidebar Variations & Design Elements
- Designed on Bootstrap 1170px Grid System
- Easily Customizable Photoshop Files
- Google Web Fonts Used
- Font Awesome Icon Pack
Files Include
- 30 PSD Files
- HTML Documentation
PSD Files
- 01_Home1.psd
- 02_Home2.psd
- 03_Home3.psd
- 04_Blog1.psd
- 05_Blog2.psd
- 06_Blog3.psd
- 07_SinglePost1.psd
- 08_SinglePost2.psd
- 09_SinglePostVideo.psd
- 10_SinglePostReview.psd
- 11_SinglePostReview2.psd
- 12_About.psd
- 13_Author.psd
- 14_Contact.psd
- 15_Search.psd
- 16_404Page.psd
- 17_ComingSoon.psd
- 18_Maintenance.psd
- 19_BecomeAnAuthor.psd
- 20_BecomeAnAuthorErrors.psd
- 21_BecomeAnAuthorSuccess.psd
- 22_Gallery.psd
- 23_Gallery3Column
- 24_Gallery3ColumnMasonry
- 25_GalleryTallSlider
- 26_Modals.psd
- 27_Login.psd
- 28_Headers.psd
- 29_Sidebars.psd
- 30_DesignElements.psd
Google Fonts
Icon Fonts
Subtle Patterns – Footer Lodyas
Photo Credits
Pixabay –
Unsplash –
Individual photo credits are found in the documentation.
All photos are for preview purposes only and NOT part of the final purchase.