Super POS is an online-based multi-store point-of-sale system for Android devices with a Web Admin panel to manage multiple stores or shops. It is a very useful multi-store online point-of-sale system for android mobile devices or tablets. By using Super POS, you can easily maintain your all shops and all kinds of products and sales records. You can store customer and supplier information. You can easily see your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly reports with a bar chart. Super POS has multiple languages (English, Spanish, Bangla, French, Hindi) facility. You can sell products from Android devices or tablets and manage the pos systems from the web admin panel. All data is stored on an online server. There are three types of users- Admin, Manager, and Staff. Also, have user access limitations. You can manage your shop sales smartly from any time anywhere.
Login information:
Admin Panel:Email:
Owner Panel:Email:
Android App:Email:
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V 1.1 : 12 June, 2021
* Thermal printing support added * Minor bug fixed
V 1.2 : 27 September, 2022
* Added support for Android 11+ * Added cart counter * Minor bug fixed
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