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Spikes Everywhere - hyper-casual Unity game template - Jump from side to side without touching the spikes. Collect the stars and use them to unlock items in the shop menu. Game is endless and it becomes harder and harder as it progresses.

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by aleksa-racovic
Spikes Everywhere - hyper-casual Unity game template - Jump from side to side without touching the spikes. Collect the stars and use them to unlock items in the shop menu. Game is endless and it becomes harder and harder as it progresses.  Developer Tools Mobile Library


Test it here (WebGL)Or download the test apk file and test it on your android device  This project have integrated interstitial, banner and rewarded AdMob ads.To setup the ads follow these steps: Go to Assets - > Google Mobile Ads -> Settings and put your app id (from your AdMob console) there. Open the script "UserInterface.cs" and put your interstitial ad id on line 65 for android and on line 67 for iOS. Open the script "RewardedAdBonusStars.cs" and put your rewarded ad id on line 16 for android and on line 18 for iOS.Jump from side to side without touching the spikes. Collect the stars and use them to unlock items in the shop menu. Game is endless and it becomes harder and harder as it progresses. Your only goal is to score as much as you can. 

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