TrialMaker is a library that provides both trial and premium licensing for .NET applications. It provides a simplified and easy way to integrate secure license generation and copy protection features. It also supports premium offline license generation for expired free-trials with its own License Generator utility.
NEW! You can now purchase the Extended License to get the entire source code + License Generator. Once purchased, please reach out via email. Online Activation package is also available!
TrialMaker includes a sample C# demo project that will help you easily get started.
Once you have the library, first ensure you import the library’s core namespaces in your project:
using WK.Libraries.TrialMakerNS;
using WK.Libraries.TrialMakerNS.Models;
...then instantiate the main class and add the following code:
var tm = new TrialMaker();
// Add your product's information.
tm.ProductInfo = new ProductInfo()
ID = "#MyVeryUniqueProductID#" // A unique product ID string.
Name = "My App", // Your product's name.
Owner = "My Company", // Your company or alias name.
TotalDays = 30, // How many trial days?
PurchasePage = " // Your product's purchase page (optional).
// This validates an existing license or creates a new one.
License lic = tm.Validate();
if (lic.Status == LicenseStatus.Active)
if (lic.Type == LicenseTypes.FreeTrial)
// Free trial license.
else if (lic.Type == LicenseTypes.Premium)
// Premium license.
else if (lic.Status == LicenseStatus.Expired)
// The license has expired.
else if (lic.Status == LicenseStatus.Invalid)
// The installed license is invalid.
// Use 'ValidationErrors' property to determine which errors were captured.
// You can choose to exit your application to prevent usage.
Simple! That’s just about it for the basic implementation of licensing in your apps. There are tons of other features as described in the Features section and demo preview.
More information is provided in the documentation.
Below are the minimum requirements for using the library:
We have ensured we provide the easiest setups possible when licensing your applications. Once purchased, kindly see the demo attached for a guided process. You can also refer to the complete Documentation for more information.
Have any questions, issues, or doubts? Feel free to reach out via the comments section or email for direct consultations: wilskym[at]live[dot]com.